Monday, January 10, 2011

Two Stupid Decisions...

You've heard the saying, two wrongs don't make a right? I wonder if we (humankind) will ever really figure that out? In Life Group last night one of the men, who is reading through the Old Testament, says something about how man has been on the earth for thousands of years and we're still doing the same dumb stuff. We refuse to trust the God of the universe and we insist on going our own way and doing our own thing. Even though time after time that's been proven to be the wrong lifestyle choice.

God gives us a little success when we call on Him and seek Him and then we're like, "Okay God, I can take it from here." It's like being on the ice and every time you get up you fall down. As soon as someone helps you up you jerk your hand back and say, "I can do it mysel..." and you need a hand again. Up. Down. Up. Down. I'm all for stick-to-it-iv-ness and gettin' back on the horse but we're not talking about something that you can learn, like riding a bike. We're talking about figuring out the ONLY way we can stand is by holding the hand of God. But as soon as we think we're up we let go...

Joshua and the Israelites have crossed the Jordan river on dry ground, thanks to God. They have finally arrived at their destination, thanks to God, and the manna, which had kept them alive for 40 years, (thanks to God) has stopped. They have marched around the fortified city of Jericho for 7 days and then watched as God caused the walls to fall. Someone stole some of the plunder so when they marched against Ai they failed. After discovering and correcting the sin issue they marched against Ai again, this time totally destroying them, thanks to God's plan of attack which included a detachment of men lying in ambush.

Now as they march to the next place they are stopped by some men who live in the area God had given the Israelites. These men had developed convincing disguises and a clever back story. They figured out a way to get Joshua and the Israelites to enter into an agreement not to kill them or their people. Good idea on their part. But verse 14 of Joshua 9 tells the downfall of the plan, "But they did not ask God about it." Joshua and the others bought the story. They were fooled by the disguises, in fact, the text says they "looked them over" which indicates they thought this decision was a slam dunk. So, they thought they could make it without consulting God.

When they figured out it was all a lie do you think they asked God what He thought they should do? Nope. They said, "well, we can't go back on our word and kill them, so we'll make them our servants." You would have thought they might learn from the first deception and seek God's decision, but then, you and I probably wouldn't have either.

This group of people is part of the same group who would later lead Israel away from God to follow other gods and worship idols. When will we learn that two stupid decisions don't make things better... you just get twice the trouble.

The moral of the story. Never assume you're smart enough to, "figure this one out on your own" always seek God. I realized I had thought something was obviously from God and had to take a time out this morning and pray that He reveal His decision to me. I'll let you know what He says.

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