Friday, January 26, 2018

Friday - Genesis 42

If you’ve got some unlovely history in your family you to recognize that your families past mistakes and sins, as well your past, do not define your future.  You don’t have to repeat the sins of your fathers, or mothers.  You can be the tipping point toward faith in your family and future generations. 

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Thursday - Genesis 41

What if, instead of trying to get out of your job, your marriage, school, PTO, neighborhood you instead started giving God the opportunity to make you fruitful in the land of your suffering?  It would mean you’d have to do things God’s way and not your own.  You’d have to honor God with your work and your life and your speech - you’d have to be obedient like David, Patient like Daniel and Forgiving like Jospeh… but man oh man, what God could do through you!

Wednesday Genesis 40

 How do you keep your eyes on God enough that you don’t get upset when things seem to go wrong yet always give God the glory when things go right?  It seems like it should be easy, yet many of us find it very difficult.  How do you keep a right perspective through the ups and downs of life?  I’d love to hear from you!  

Monday, January 22, 2018

Tuesday: Genesis 39 Vlog

Gen 39 Tuesday from Real Life Christian Church on Vimeo.

Joseph was blessed and over and over given greater responsibly and position because he obeyed God (His Word) and he trusted God (God's Ways). How can you use your position at work to influence others for Jesus? What would it take for you to be a blessing to your employer simply because of your faith?

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Genesis 37 Vlog

How do you focus on trusting God's ability to save instead of your ability to survive when your situation looks hopeless?