Friday, June 25, 2010

Does the Church need another CSI moment with Jesus?

I began my reading today in the book of revelation. Difficult read. So many things that quite frankly, without the benefit of "being there" we have a real disadvantage in understanding. Now, there will be those who tell you they have it figured out. Anyone who says that I pretty much walk away from. You could read 100 commentaries and each author will say "this is what it means" and no two commentaries will be the same. So, who's right?

But in reading the first 3 chapters this am I'm wondering if the Church again is in need of a CSI moment with Jesus. CSI stands for Crime Scene Investigator and you can totally see Jesus playing that role in his letters to the 7 churches. He's investigated them. He knows them. He's uncovered every stone and looked around every corner.

In most of the churches He's found the good and bad. Where's He's found bad He rebukes and calls to repentance and where He's found good He encourages. Some of the churches have nothing good going on but only the church in Smyrna seems to be doing everything right. Perhaps because they are being persecuted and even killed for their faith.

What would happen in your church, in my church, if we had a CSI moment? If we really looked at our church as Christ might to see the good and the bad. What do you think our letter would look like? Would it resemble Smyrna or maybe (and more likely) Laodicea.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

What's love got to do with it?

Reading through 1,2 and 3 John today. One over-riding thought; love. Here's how I would break down these letters.
  1. If you've got love, you've got Jesus.
  2. If you've got Jesus, you've got the Father, God.
  3. If you've got God, you will obey His commands.
  4. His commands are that you love

Rinse and repeat steps 1-4.

In contrast:

  1. If you don't have love, you ain't got Jesus.
  2. If you don't have Jesus, you ain't got God.
  3. If you don't have God, you ain't got a prayer.

Those who love others are obeying God's command and have the Son and the Spirit. Those who teach false doctrines (specifically that Jesus did not come in a human body) do not have love, or God or the Son or the Spirit. Don't listen to them. Don't support them. Don't encourage them.

But, love all believers. Your love proves you have the Father, Son and Spirit just like your deeds prove your faith (see James).

I want to prove my connection with God so I want to obey Him so I choose to love. Help me Father to love.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Finding a sandbar.

My family and I recently got back home and back to work after a quick vacation down to the Gulf Coast. Namely, Padre Island. We got about 4 hours of solid swimming in the warm ocean waters (no oil) and a good seaweed bath.

It was so cool to be out in the water and I had this crazy idea of getting out as far as I could and then letting the waves carry me back to shore. I even got Trevor (my oldest son) to go with me. I thought we could swim out and then get on the tube and just float back to the beach. If you've never swam in the ocean you aren't aware that once you get out so far the water actually carries you farther from shore, not closer! After a few moments of panic we got it figured out and made it back in.

After a few minutes of recovery we headed back out. This time were were just going out to neck deep to jump over and swim through the waves as they came in. But this time we found a sandbar that jutted out from the coast line another 20 or 30 feet so we got a quite a distance from the shore but were still standing up at about neck deep. It was really fun! Until we found one of the sides of the sandbar and started to slip down. On either side of this sandbar the water was well above our heads. After the swim out to sea and back we were pretty tired but still wanted to play. After all, Trevor had never swam in the ocean and I had only done it in the cold waters off Oregon.

Having that sandbar to stand on allowed us to feel like we were way out in the ocean waters but still have the comfort of a relatively sure foundation. As long as we stayed on that sand we were okay. 1 Peter 5:10 says this, After you have suffered a little while, the Lord will restore, support and strengthen you and He will place you on a firm foundation." In the ocean as in life there are lots of times when we get in over our heads. Maybe it's the job, relationships or just a mixture of all that life can throw at you. We call it stress and it can be overwhelming and exhausting. But our God knows what is going on in our lives. He is aware when we can't take it anymore and need to rest.

He provides the firm foundation. You can't get out of the ocean of your life, but you can find a place to rest. A place to stand. A place to keep your head above the water. A place to regain your strength. Find some balance. And have your faith restored.

Thank You God for allowing us to enjoy the excitement of life, even with it's troubles and struggles. And for placing the sandbars right where we need them.

Remember, God may not take you out of your situation but He can deliver you through it.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Can I have some more suffering please?

I have yet to meet a believer in Jesus who actually wakes up in the morning and says, "today is going to be a great day! I get to suffer for Jesus!" Nope, never heard it. But I have heard lots of these prayers, "God, keep me healthy and happy today, keep me from suffering and help me to have a good day." That's the prayer of the average believer, including me all too often.

We Christians tend to think that if we are suffering something must be wrong in our relationship with God. If I'm suffering I must need to pray more. Go to more church services or read my Bible longer. If things are going well for me then God must be happy with me. If they are going poorly He must be angry.

It's silly really (that rhymed and I didn't even try!). Over and over in God's Word He promises suffering. Do everything right as a believer and you WILL suffer. Maybe you lose your job. Your marriage falls apart. Your car breaks down. Your body breaks down. These don't mean that God is mad at you or that you aren't living like you should be in Christ. They are simply personal illustrations of sin's work in the world we live in. They prove Satan is active and on the prowl.

But let's be honest. We don't like to suffer. I want everything in my life to be perfect. Peter makes a great point in 1 Peter 4:15. He is talking about suffering for the sake of Christ and then in 15 says, "if you suffer it should NOT be because you did something wrong" (murder, stealing, making trouble or prying into other's lives). Peter knows us doesn't he! He knows that we complain and whine even when we suffer for doing wrong! How many of you whine and fuss when you're given a ticket for speeding? You did something wrong and were punished for it. That's called a consequence NOT suffering!

If you (or I) screw up and have to suffer (the consequence) that is not a reason to find any joy - we are getting what we deserve. But if I suffer because I'm a Christian that is a completely different story. I have been called names because of my faith. I have been left out. I have suffered financially (though light and momentary troubles all).

Don't ever think that just because you believe in Jesus that nothing bad will ever happen to you. If that's the case there is one of two things happening. 1. you are so "bad" as a christian that Satan doesn't need to mess with you, or 2. you're in heaven.

Suffering is part of the Christian life. Quit trying to run from suffering and pray your way out of it. God isn't going to deliver you from the very things that will ultimately strengthen and grow your faith and trust in Him. Live. Fight. Struggle through it with all His strength that so powerfully works in you. Suffer knowing that your faith will find increase and you will not be disappointed.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Let it grow...

I am not a patient person. Prayed for it. Somewhat desire it. Don't have it. I'm the J.G. Wentworth poster child... I want it NOW! Whether it is personal or church related I don't like to wait.

The book of James tells us that our reward for a life lived for Christ doesn't come until "the end." Hard truth for the patiently challenged.

Another area I struggle with is plants. I love plants. But you have to be patient with plants, just like faith and exercise or lots of other things (I learned the hard way that cooking something at a higher temp for a shorter period of time does NOT yeild the desired results!). I have a tendency to think that if I over do it with the water and care and sun then I'll get the results I want sooner. But that's not true. I end up killing it with care! When what I should do is just let it grow. But I don't like to wait! (Did I say that already?)

That is certainly true of pain and struggle in my life. I want it over quick! Okay God, teach me the lesson and let's move on. Let's get it over with. No need to dwell on it any longer... (I'm impatiently writing this right now!) It's my human nature to want to get this over with and move on to the next thing. But, my plants need to develop deep roots so they can get to water when I inevitably forget to water them, or when these 100 degree days hit in Kansas. They need some sun, but too much is a bad thing as well. In my spiritual life I need the same things. I need to have deep roots of faith to withstand the dry spells. I need to be able to hold up in the heat of temptations.

In order to do this I must learn the spiritual discipline of, "letting it grow." That's what James 1:4 says. Let it Grow. When pain and trouble and struggles come don't seek to get it over with quickly and get to better times. See God working in those difficulties and let it grow. These times in your life develop spiritual endurance and faith to meet all of life's challenges. So, let it grow. Let your faith grow, deep and strong.

Give yourself time to learn the lesson. To make it a habit. To get to the next level and stay there. Let it grow.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Relational God.

In Hebrews 8:10-12 I read something that is just amazing.

Have you ever thought about the implications of God's statement, "I will be your God and you will be my people"? Or how about "Everyone will know me from the least to the greatest"? or this one, "I will forgive their wickedness and never again remember this sins"?

Powerful. Life changing. Encouraging.

God could have stopped with, "I will be your God." As God, He could demand worship and tribute and obedience. But that's not what He chose. He simply wants to be our exclusive God. It's where the, "no other gods before me" comes in. He wants to be OUR God, even though He could force His ownership over us He desires us to choose Him as our only God.

And it doesn't matter if you're somebody or nobody. President or Pee-on. Everybody can know Him and be equal. There are no positions or titles with God. The manager of a QT doesn't brag about it while sitting in the oval office! There is God and then everyone else. No matter what your background, baggage, battles, bumps or bruises everyone is equal under God.

And if that wasn't enough, He wants US to be His people! Not just to worship Him as God but He wants to recognize us as His own! And part of that is His promise to "forgive our wickedness" and "never remember our sins"!

God wants us. Not just our service. Or money. Or time. Not our excuses. Just us. You and me. He wants to be our God and He wants us to be His people. He wants relationship.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Jesus is all right with me.

Reading in Hebrews 4,5 and 6 this am. Struck by Jesus life and faithfulness.

I don't recall the statistics but the majority of children who inherit wealth squander it away. They didn't have to earn it so it doesn't mean as much to them (that's what I hear anyway). But those parents who force their children to be responsible with money and teach them to work hard and earn their own way before they get inheritance dollars do much better with it.

It seems to me that God could have just had Jesus appear on earth as a human (He is God after all) in his 20's or something. Live a few months or so in the lap of luxury, since His Dad literally owns everything, and then die a quick and pain free death. He would have not sinned so He would be the "perfect" sacrifice the law required. And He would be human and shed His blood. Law fulfilled.

But that's not the way God does things. Jesus experienced everything that we experience in our lives. From birth to death He was completely human. He experienced loss, temptation, anger, frustration, fear, ridicule, slander, out-right-lies and finally the pain of a long and agonizing death. And even through all that He never sinned.

Jesus was not only the perfect sacrifice but He becomes our perfect example. Had Jesus not lived and died as He did we could complain to God that He doesn't know what we're going through down here (which is stupid because, once again, He's God - He knows it all!) and so we should be exempted from some of our sins. And Satan could complain that He had it too easy and would have failed it He experienced life as it really is.

Instead God, in His perfect wisdom and understanding, allowed His Son to suffer so that we and Satan are without excuse. There is nothing we can point to as a loop hole or way out. Jesus went through all this so that He would rule well, judge justly and win the battle handily.

Thanks Jesus, you're all right with me.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Healthy Reminder

I have never heard of someone who did something wrong say they intended for it to happen. You know, husband or wife has an affair and they all say, "I never meant for this to happen!" Or a teenager goes to far and gets pregnant and they say, "I didn't mean for it to go this far!" You hurt someone and say, "I didn't MEAN to hurt you, that was not my intention."

Things happen. You may not have "thought" it would go that far or end up like it did but you certainly allowed it to. I don't get into the office on Monday morning and say, "I think I'd like to really do a poor job on my message this Sunday." But sometimes I allow other things to take my focus and I end up doing less than my best (thanks to God for using me even then!).

The writer of Hebrews gives us some sound advice to avoid these types of situations in our spiritual lives. He (or she) says, "make sure that your own hearts are not evil and unbelieving, turning you away from the living God."

Now, you are probably saying something like, "but I believe! My heart's not evil! I will never turn away!" We've heard that before. I think Peter said the same thing. You may not now think you would ever turn away. That's why you could say, "I didn't mean for this to happen." Right now you say you believe, but later you may say, "I never meant for it to go this far."

What's the answer? The writer starts out verse 12 saying, "be careful" and then it says, "Make sure." I recall Paul telling Timothy to, "watch your life and conduct." No one intends on moving away from God, but it happens all the time.

So be careful and make sure you evaluate yourself to see that you are not on a slippery slope. Are you spending time with other believers? Are you regular in church attendance? Are you serving and giving regularly at the church? How long has it been since you read your bible or prayed? Be careful. Make sure your own heart is not evil and unbelieving turning you away from the Living God.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Making Christianity Attractive

As a child my Mom had a million phrases she would stick around the house or throw out at times she deemed "appropriate." Your mom probably had them too. Above the sink in the kitchen she had this little bit of wisdom, "if you're not happy with what you have, how could you be happier with more?" and more than once I heard this, all to familiar, quip, "you catch more flies with honey."

It seems to me that maybe over the years the church lost sight of that last one. In fact, I think the church as a whole may have gone the opposite direction entirely. Making the church difficult to get into and belong to made being a member a rite-of-passage. You knew those who were members had "earned" their membership. I would even say that some churches went so far as to consciously make their fellowships unattractive to outsiders so that only those who, truly wanted to be saved, would dare join them.

Then, we were able to look at those on the outside and ridicule their faithless lives and talk about how upright and holy we were because we were a part of this thing called church. We not only made church unattractive we often made Christ unattractive as well. We acted like Christ on Sunday or at Bible study, etc. but in the bank on Friday or at the cafe on Wednesday we could be found cursing about the work week or telling off-color jokes to those around us.

Paul's instruction in Titus 2 paints a different picture of church. He is talking about slaves/servants who have become believers in Jesus Christ and how they ought to live. He says they must "not talk back or steal, but must show themselves to be entirely trustworthy and good. Then they will make the teaching about God attractive in every way."

I think Paul's instruction could be directed at us too. We, as believers in Jesus should live so that we are proved "trustworthy." We shouldn't act like those who are not believers, but instead live differently so that we might "make the teaching about God attractive in every way."

It seems to me that our goal should be to minimize the obstacles to faith - not increase them! Our lives should make our God and Savior Jesus Christ attractive and our churches should be places of welcome and comfort for road weary travelers. If God's goal is that everyone be saved and come to a knowledge of His Son Jesus Christ (and it is see 1 Tim 2:4) then we should use more honey.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Has Christianity become a wast of time?

Okay, recognize that I'm being a little sarcastic here, but it's for good reason. I hear a lot of sermons and preachers and others talk about a lot of stuff and sometimes I wonder... is this really necessary? In the confines of worship, are there some things that become a waste of time?

Paul tells Timothy not to let people, "waste time in endless discussion of myths and {spiritual pedigrees}... which don't help people live a life of faith in God." I like that 'cause that's what we're about at Real Life. Everyday living for Jesus. How are we as Christ followers supposed to act? Think? Serve? Love? Worship? Pray? Study?

We want to help people live a life of faith in God. That's it. Doesn't matter who you are or what you've done or how much money you have (or don't) what counts is that your are living your life based on faith in God. Acting out that faith in everyday life - work, school, home, church, grocery store, lake. You and I ought to be Christians first, wherever we go. That takes understanding how to live a life of faith.

I don't want to know how many verses you can quote or times you go to church during the week or even how much you've given or done for the church. What does the rest of your life look like? If you serve and love and give at church and hate and curse and act immorally everywhere else you've failed.

Show me how you live a life of faith in God.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

If you could do anything...

How many times I've been asked that question over the years. Teachers used to use it to get you to think about what you wanted to do as a career... then they would hit you with, "well you better work harder on your grades!" Parent's asked the question. Even Sunday School teachers and youth workers.

If you could anything with your life what would it be?

I read this yesterday in 2 Thessalonians 1:11,12 and was just struck by the implications of this passage. "May [God] give you the power to accomplish all the good things your faith prompts you to do." Isn't that incredible?!

What would you do? Go on a mission trip? Share your faith? Enter into the ministry on some level? Spend more time serving others? Give generously? Foster parent? Mentor? Leader? What is the Holy Spirit birthing in you?

The God of the universe (who has unlimited power and resources and grace) is behind you! If your faith prompts you - He wants to support you! It IS incredible! God, with all He has to do, is so interested in your dreams and ambitions that He wants to make sure you have what is needed to accomplish what has been planted in you.

All that is left is for you to confirm where His Spirit is leading you and walk in faith.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Of babies and end times...

Give me a minute... I've got to climb up on my soapbox!

-In 1989 Benny Hinn predicted the end of the nation after a woman is elected president, "within the next few years." Never happened.
-In 2000 Jack VanImpe commented that Christ would return in 2004... then 2007... now 2012 or 2018.
-In 2000 Hal Lindsey said the battle of Armageddon will take place in 2000 - guess I missed it. Was that on TV?
-In 2002 Pat Robertson predicted Detroit and San Francisco would be hit by terrorist attacks.
-John Wesley predicted 1836 as the year Christ would return.
-Harold Camping said it would be 1994.
-Mary Stewart Relfe said it would happen in 1997.
(taken from

Here's what the Bible says, You may be wondering among yourselves, "How can we tell the difference, whether it was God who spoke or not?" Here's how: If what the prophet spoke in God's name doesn't happen, then obviously God wasn't behind it; the prophet made it up. Forget about him (Deuteronomy 18:21,22 the Message).

I chose the Message because it puts this passage so plainly. And I think that is how Paul was feeling in 2 Thessalonians. Apparently some false prophets or prophet wanna-bee's came to town telling everybody that Jesus had already come back the second time or was about to. So people quit their jobs and sold their homes and waited. And waited. And waited. Paul basically says, get off your butt and get back to work! This is the context for the statement, if a man won't work (because he's waiting for Christ to come back and mooching off his friends) then don't let him eat. Paul then points to his own lifestyle saying that he worked tirelessly while he was with them.

We live in the now and not yet. I believe some day Jesus will come back. But I don't know when it will be. The Dr. gave Andi and I a date for when each of our children would be born. We knew when it was getting close so we packed the hospital bag and made our preparations. But I still went to work. She still went to work. Not one of our children were born on the day the Dr. said - but it didn't matter because we were ready. We'd made the necessary preparations.

Instead of worrying about when Christ will come back we Christians ought to simply get our bags packed and then get to work telling our friends, family, neighbors to be ready too! Go to work and tell them about Jesus. Go to school ready to tell those who ask you about your Savior.

So. If anyone has made a prediction about when Christ will come back and they say they "heard it from God" or had a "revelation" or any other such thing attributed to God and it doesn't come true then DO NOT LISTEN TO THEM ANY LONGER. You heard me right. Turn off Pat Robertson and Jack and anyone else who "got their calculations wrong."

Whew, I'm winded. That was a long climb down...

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


I don't know about you but I thoroughly enjoyed my extended weekend. It was truly a time of rest for me and my family. I have been preaching every weekend for over a year. That gets really tiring. I don't remember who said it, but their statement was that preaching one message is the emotional equivalent of an 8 hour work day. And I believe it! In addition to all the other duties of a preacher.

And it's been a busy few months for me. We've got a guy in the hospital I'm trying to spend time with. A dear old friend from my previous church is dying and I get to spend some time with him and his wife every week. Not to mention the growth Real Life has experienced means more work too!

So it was good to rest. 2 Thessalonians 1:7 says, "God will provide rest." And I'm glad He did. The family had a great time at the River farm on Fall river and got to just chill and be together. Stay in a camper and swim in the river and explore with the kids. It was great and just what Andi and I needed. It makes me look forward to our family trip to the Gulf Coast later this month and a break from preaching for a few weeks. I love to do it - but even the stuff you love you need a break from once in awhile.

So thank you God for rest. Rest from the everyday. Rest from the "work" even if it's Your work. It makes us look forward that much more to the rest you will provide when Jesus comes again. What a rest that will be! I want to be rested up for that!