Friday, February 26, 2010

Unworthy... undeserved.

This chapter of Luke just cuts me down every time I read it. I don't know about you, but I'm guessing if your a believer in Jesus and have been for awhile you get to feeling like I do, that God owes you. You know how it goes. God, I gave my tithe now where's my blessing? Pressed down, shaken together and running over... my lap is still empty. God, I went to church every Sunday last month, where's my blessing? God, I helped that person on the side of the road. Why is MY car now broken down?! Come on, you know you've griped at God for not "giving you your due!" Surely I'm not the only one!

But in this chapter two events/comments just sucker punch me right in the gut and I get to feeling really guilty.

The first one comes in verse 10 when Jesus points out that the servant is the servant - not the master. He says, "when you obey me you should say, 'we are unworthy servants. We have only done our duty.'" Wow. All the whining and griping I do when God doesn't bless me... I'm just a servant. I'm only doing what I have been told to do. I'm nothing special. But WAIT! I get up and preach and tell people about Jesus! just a servant. But I teach a Sunday school class or lead a Bible study! Just a servant. But I come and clean the church and volunteer my time! Just a servant.

We get to looking so much like the 9 guys in verses 15-18 who Jesus heals and they run off like they deserved it! Like, just because they were Jewish God owed them this healing! Only the foreigner comes back to thank Jesus.

I don't want to expect God to bless me just for doing what He's called me to do. Father, forgive me, for I... well, I'm stupid and greedy and sometimes serve you for only what I can get out of it. But I don't want to. Thank You for Your blessings - each one special and undeserved.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

I'm a little excited - but reality is closing in.

It's hard for me to concentrate when I'm excited about something. That really stinks cause I get excited about a LOT of things; a date with my wife (happening tomorrow), a new toy, an exciting scheduled event... the list could go on. Right now though I'm excited because I just approved our very first television commercial for Real Life Christian Church (you can check us out at and it is set to begin airing on Monday March 1st, (my wife's birthday!).

But as the story in Luke 16 goes, Abraham says the rich man’s family won't believe, "even if someone is raised from the dead." Well, a thirty second spot on a few channels is not nearly as cool as a dead guy walking around but the truth translates. For most people the commercial will go in one ear and out the other. It will not be effective because they've heard it before.

We made our spot as fun and energetic as possibly could to fit the style and feel of real life - but in the end these spots are running only in the hope that someone, anyone, will be moved by the Spirit to check out Real Life, and if they do, we may be able to tell them about Jesus in a way they might understand and then, Jesus can change their life.

My prayer is that someone will be open. Someone will be interested. Someone will give it a try. And someone will come to Jesus as I do and be saved.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The difference between me and God.

Okay, so the titles a little misleading, like there is only ONE difference between God and me. Actually, I can't begin to count the differences. But I'm focused on one today.

Let's just pretend the story of the prodigal son is my son and I'll highlight some things that would happen (brutally honest time here).
1. Son comes and asks for inheritance - I would tell him, "there ain't none" and send him on his way.
2. While my son was gone I would probably think of all the things he had ever done wrong and replay them in my mind. That way I would stay mad at him for leaving and make it "his fault" thereby freeing myself from any guilt.
3. When my son came back home I would probably hurry and make myself look busy so he didn't think that I had been waiting - even if I had.
4. I would begin a large lecture that would probably make us late for dinner for no matter how hungry he was - he would have to listen to me first.
5. There probably would not be a feast and I would probably point out how my other children hadn't left or done anything so stupid in all their whole life.
6. I'd finally put my arm around him and say something like, "even though you blew it and it was stupid of you to leave and you had to suffer and it was your own fault... I'm glad to have you back."

So, complete opposite of what God would do. Scratch that. What God DOES do every day to me and probably to you too.

The truth is I'm the prodigal. I'm the one who wants to try it on my own. I'm the one that doesn't think God is big enough. I'm the one who runs away. I'm the one who needs someone to take me back. I'm hungry. I'm naked. I'm sick. I'm broke. I'm stupid. I'm not worthy... except that HE makes me worthy. He clothes. Feeds. Heals. Protects. Restores. Runs to meet me. Serves the meal. and after all that is done He's the one that comforts the others too.

Why can't I be more like my Heavenly Father? Why can't I swallow my pride. Why can't I forgive. Why can't I seek out restoration and healing? Why can't I be more like Him?

I suppose, to answer my own question, I'm NOT God. Nowhere near. So, I'll continue to accept my Father's graciousness and maybe someday I'll be at least a dim reflection of the Man/Father He is.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Do we take God too lightly?

So I was preparing for the Monday evening Bible Survey class when I came across this passage in the book of Leviticus.

Then the Lord said to Aaron, "You and your sons are not to drink wine or other fermented drink whenever you go into the tent of meeting, or you will die... You must distinguish between the unclean and the clean..."

This conversation between God and Aaron happened right after Aaron watched his two sons die when fire came from the "presence of the Lord" and killed them (read about it in Lev 10:1-11). Moses' response to this was incredible, "This is what the Lord spoke of when He said, 'Among those who approach me I will show myself holy; in the sight of all the people I will be honored.'"

I think sometimes, perhaps because we don't see people get consumed by fire anymore, we get a little apathetic to our relationship with God. The fact is, God is Holy. There is none like Him and no one has the "right" to stand before our Holy God.

I think a good dose of distinguishing between the clean and unclean, the holy and unholy would do us good. When was the last time you thought, "I'm going to church tomorrow, I should prepare myself for what God will say to me?" I try (try) to keep a very low profile on Saturday nights so that I can mentally and spiritually prepare for Sunday morning and preaching from God's Word.

I just wonder what would happen if we all began to prepare on Saturday for what God would do on Sunday? For instance, you could cut out drinking alcohol on Saturday night - just because you're preparing yourself for Sunday. You could watch your language closer - just because you're gonna worship in the morning. You could spend some time reading your Bible or turn the TV off and talk to the family or just sit and think about the week because tomorrow you're gonna be in the presence of a Holy God.

Friday, February 19, 2010

What concerns you the most?

We, okay, I get bogged down with lots of stuff. This has to be done and that has to be done and when will I get that other thing taken care of.

Sometimes I just need to be reminded that there is only thing I need to be truly concerned about. It's not my house, or my bills, or even this Sunday's message. It's Jesus. If I could figure out that the only thing that is truly worthy of my time and effort was Jesus, all that other stuff would probably fall into place.

But it's difficult isn't it, to make Jesus a priority. I mean, if He were sitting with me here in the office I would put everything else aside and just talk to Him. But He's not, physically. So I get caught up in all the other stuff that is present physically and competing for my time.

So I read the Bible, which helps me pray and try to see with new eyes what Jesus wants to reveal to me today. Jesus, help me to make you a bigger... no, my only priority.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

How quickly we forget

My kids can forget stuff in an instant. "When you're done with that, go clean your room" I say. An hour later, "why didn't you clean your room?" "I forgot" comes the reply. But I guess I can't get too upset with them (I can but it doesn't sound very nice for this post!) because forgetfulness is one of my spiritual gifts!

Do you have this problem? God does something great for you or through you and its wonderful and you are so excited that He came through for you... then the next time you need something you worry and fret and fear grips you. You forgot about His faithfulness. You forgot about His ability to handle any situation. You forgot He loves you.

Luke 9 starts out with Jesus sending out the disciples who in verse 6 are preaching the good news and "healing the sick." but only 7 short verses later, in front of Jesus, they are totally clueless! Jesus tells them to feed the crowd and they are like, "uh... how are we gonna do that it would take a lot of money and a long time to walk to a village that probably wouldn't have enough food for this many people, and...and... but... and." You get the idea.

They forgot that Jesus gave them the power. They forgot that they had the ability. They forgot that when Jesus asks you to do something He provides a way to do it too. They forgot. And you and I do the same thing. God, help me to remember. To draw a line in the sand and say this is where it happened. To build a spiritual monument to the incredible things You've done in my life so that I don't forget. So that I trust. So that I'm ready.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Do we speak the right language?

I was skyping today with our missionaries in Koper, Slovenia. I asked them what the hardest thing had been so far planting a church where none exists. They said it was the language barrier. They are hitting the language classes really hard but they still only speak at a Kindergarten level. In fact, Tina said she spoke really broken Slovene... "go. market. now." It's hard to share your faith in a way that could spark life change when the people can't understand what you're saying. If the message of Jesus is lost in translation life change is impossible.

I think Christians in the U.S. have the same language barrier. For years the church has spoken Christianese and then wondered why the non-christian world didn't understand what we were saying. We essentially said, "you learn our language so you can come to our church." Then we griped about how non-Christan's stayed non-Christians and didn't connect with church (and more importantly with Jesus).

I think, as Christians we ought to learn the language of those we are trying to reach with the life saving message of Jesus Christ. That way, we can communicate in a way that they understand, that they connect with, that they get. And once they get what we're saying they can get what we're offering - life change through Jesus Christ.

So let's bridge the language barrier and bring about life change!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

What's my job?

This morning I'm working on the script for a commercial Real Life will start running in the next 30 days or so. I'm very intimidated by it. I have one 30 second shot to create a desire in the person sitting on their couch to give church... and Jesus a try. I don't want to blow it. I'm very excited by this opportunity though too. I have one shot to inject a little truth, a little Jesus into someone's life that may result in catastrophic life change. Incredible.

Zechariah reminded me what my job is this morning, whether it be in writing a commercial for television or writing this entry or a blog post... my job is to tell people how to find salvation through Jesus (forgiveness of sins only comes through him) and I’m also to give light to those who sit in darkness and guide them to the path of peace!

Wow! Isn't that a great job! In everything I do, write or speak I should be about those things! And you should too!

Your job isn't just to teach - it's to shed light into the darkness! Your job isn't just to fit pipe - it's to tell people there is hope through Jesus! Your job isn't just to answer phones, or watch someone else’s' child - it's to help people, young and old find the path of peace! That's an incredible job and way cooler than anything else!

I want to make this my prayer for my children, my wife, myself and Real Life church - that we would be people who tell others how to find salvation through Jesus and shed His light into the darkness and hopelessness of their lives helping them to find the path of peace. That's our job. To make ready a people prepared for the Lord.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Am I the one?

Just struck this morning with a line in Mark 14:19. Jesus has just told the disciples eating the Last Supper with Him that, "one of you will betray me." And "greatly distressed" they each asked Him, "Am I the one?"

Strange. Don't you think they would know? Judas had already agreed to betray Jesus - he certainly knew! But the other 11 all asked (surely Judas did too so he wouldn't stand out) "Am I the one?"

Jesus knows everything before it happens. He knows what I'm going to end up doing today when I don't even know EXACTLY what is going to happen today. And when Jesus is teaching the disciples to pray He says, "lead us not into temptation - but deliver us from evil." Those are forward thinking statements, future tense.

I think, as strange as it seems, this needs to be a question for me everyday. Lord, today, Am I the one who will betray your trust? Today, am I the one who will bring shame on the Name of Christ? Today am I the one who will cause someone to think, "that's why I'm not a christian" ?

Because today, I want to be the one who points someone to Christ. I want to be the one who affirms the faith to others. Today, I want to be the one who stands up for Christ.

Today, Lord - let me be the one who does the right thing, and not the other one.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Daily Bible Reading - Feb 1, 2010 - Mark 8

Have you ever tried to tell God He was wrong? Doesn't work very well does it?

Peter tried to tell Jesus that He wouldn't or shouldn't die. That was the wrong thing to say! Jesus knew what had to happen to fulfill the will of God for the salvation of the world. And Peter, seeing things from a human point of view, didn't want to see his mentor, his Savior die. Even though it meant salvation for Peter and for all of us.

But Jesus then talks about being selfish. I guess Peter was being selfish because he wanted Jesus to stay with him longer. Jesus puts an end to that feeling and then tells everybody not be selfish, but instead to take up their cross daily and follow.

That's a hard thing to do. Whether you believe it or not we are selfish. Even if we finally decide on the unselfish thing to do, we first think about how it will affect us.

I was selfish the other day when I drove past a guy in the Wal-Mart parking lot holding a sign saying he needed gas to get somewhere. I headed home, then turned around and went back to help him. By the time I got there someone else had stopped and given him some money and he was leaving (I watched him go to the gas station by the way). But I felt bad because my first instinct was focused on myself.

The church often gets this way too. We think first about what would make us (who are already here, serving, sweating, giving) feel better. More comfortable. More relaxed. More at "church." But Jesus told us to take up our cross daily (even Sunday) and follow Him. So we should be thinking about what will make others feel more comfortable. Relaxed. Better. And, we should be willing to use what God has given us to meet the needs of others, that's why we have NA meetings here and provide them with heat and light and a place to meet. Because we want to see lives changed. turned around. And if we can help someone get and stay clean - their life is on a path to change.

So, roll your sleeves up, pick up that cross and let's get moving!