Friday, June 24, 2011

Are you stuck?

Have you ever felt stuck?  Not, been stuck, but felt stuck?  I've been stuck in the mud, stuck in the snow and stuck in a rut... but all those places are easy enough to get out of.  A chain, a push (I recently got stuck in the snow and two very buff women pushed me out, thank you my amazon friends, whoever you are!) a pull and you're out and on your way!

But when you feel stuck it's a different story!  Depressed. Addicted. Oppressed. Abused. Exhausted. Confined.  Stuck. And no matter how hard you are pushed, how desperately you are pulled you still feel stuck.  You're sure everyone is out to get you, that God hates you and that the end is near.  Whatever you were running from... or running to has landed you smack dab between the baggage that follows and the uncertainty of what's to come.

That's where the Israelites were as a nation.  Stuck.  The baggage of their past lives as slaves to the Egyptian government was pressing hard after them.  Their lack of reverence and worship of the One True God had come back to bite them.  Their fears and questions and pessimism had pushed and pulled them right to this point.  Stuck.  Stuck between their past and their future, which in this case was a large body of water that dipped 5,000 feet below them!  Like you and I often feel they were not only stuck they were sure they were going to die!  There was no way out, water to the left of them the entire Egyptian army to the right.  Family problems.  Marriage on the rocks.  Disobedient, messed up children.  Flat-lined career.  Car won't start.  Bills piling up.  Laid off, beat up and kicked out you're sure of one thing, the end is near.

And just like the Israelites the only one who can get you unstuck is God.  Impassable obstacles don't mean anything to God.  Just like the water in the gulf he'll dry up whatever you happen to be currently drowning in and put your feet on dry ground!  And not only that, he'll destroy the baggage of your past in the very waters that threatened to take your life!  God loves to take people out of the grip of their enemies and turn your grave into theirs.

Are you stuck?  No where to go?  No hope?  No way out?  Then you're in just the right position for God to reveal Himself to you and show you that no matter what your past or the path you're heading on, He can not only rescue you but save you from it all!  He wants to give you a new start!  He wants to give you a new life! He wants to give you a new land and place to call home!

Here's what YOU need to do:
Tell God the truth - God I've screwed up my life 'cause I thought I could do it on my own without you but I've only made a mess for myself and those I love.
Ask God to help - God I recognize that I need You to help me, to take away the junk and baggage in my life and give me a fresh clean start because I can't do it on my own.
Give all of yourself to Him - So I give you myself, all that I am, I trust You to direct and lead me and I'll follow You from now on.
Thank Him - God I thank You for giving your Son to die for me so that I might live for You.  Please accept His sacrifice in my place.
Tell someone and get plugged in - Get up and tell someone you've made a decision to give your life to Jesus and then find a Bible believing/teaching church that can teach you about baptism and growing in your knowledge and walk with God.

1 comment:

elandreth said...

Great once again. Thoughtful and meaningful. You must make your parents proud.