Wednesday, August 24, 2011

God overheard their talk

When my kids were younger they would often get together and come up with schemes.  Schemes to trick dad.  Schemes to get to go swimming.  Schemes to get a trip to Wal-Mart.  Schemes to get desert before dinner (which actually comes first in alphabetical order!).  The problem they always ran into was that they would scheme, in their whisper voices, right near me!  So, I did what any good dad would do, I squashed their hopes and dreams and schemes - I was an equal opportunity squash-er.  Now, once in awhile I let them get through with their scheming and then, because I heard their plans, I could do the opposite of what they thought I would do and I would confuse them so much they never got around to what they really wanted.  Overhearing their little talks was very helpful in combating their schemes.

Aaron and Miriam were apparently scheming something while Moses was looking or listening.  It had something to do with Moses' wife, she wasn't an Israelite, so they could have been a little upset about that.  Why does he get to lead when he's got this foreign wife?  People come up with the dumbest reasons for scheming against someone when their trying to accomplish some agenda.  My father, a pastor for more than 30 years, was once told he shouldn't be a preacher because he was color blind and had a hard time telling the difference between the hot and neutral wire when working on the church wiring (btw - hot and neutral don't matter much, its the ground that you have to worry about!).

Anyway, Aaron and Miriam are scheming against Moses who is out of ear-shot, so it's called gossip you know...  when all the sudden God gets involved.  He calls the three of them to come meet with Him at the tent of meeting (aptly named) and begins to get after the two schemers.  And I just love this last sentence in verse 2 that says, "God overheard their talk."  Wow.

I started thinking about the things I've said... the things I've thought, since God knows them too... No matter where I am or who I'm with God overhears my talk.  That's a sobering thought since I know what comes out of my mouth.  God overhears it all.  Those things I say to my wife in private about someone or something.  What I say at church to our leaders and partners.  What I think to myself when I'm around all those different people!  God overhears.  And in this story in 2 Kings 2 He doesn't just take it.

How would your talk change if God called you to account for what you'd said when you didn't think anyone else was listening?  I stopped and asked for forgiveness right there in my notes... and help in watching what I say, since someone is always overhearing.  God overhears our talk.  What's He gonna say to you?

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