Monday, June 25, 2012

The Coup d'état of God

I'm a Christian.  A Christ follower.  A believer.  A fanatic.  Whatever you want to call it my primary function in life is to know Christ and make Him known.  At Real Life we remind ourselves often that we want to connect with people so that we might connect people to Jesus.  Our mission is to help every person possible find real life through a relationship with Jesus Christ.  Sound easy?  It's not.

Right now there are several "irons in the fire."  I'm not at liberty to discuss what our Elders and I have been praying about, discussing and working towards, at least not yet, but it is all about being able to connect and direct more people to God through His Son Jesus Christ.  And since that is why we exist, it's cool.

I'm excited about what God is doing and how He is directing and providing and leading this whole process called church, but, to be honest, I'm frustrated.

I'm one of those people who wants to make a decision and then get to work.  I don't find pleasure or joy in the journey.  I want to know what we're doing, where we're going and then get after it.  I know this about myself and so I try to balance.  Take a breath.  Seek guidance and direction.  And then get back to to the work of making it happen.  And therein lies the problem with me.

I was reading in Romans nine today and had to stop what I was doing and think and pray about what I had just read.  In verse 33 Paul quotes from God's revelation about Himself to Isaiah the prophet when He says, "if you're looking for me, you'll find me ON the way, not IN the way."

It occurred to me that at times in our doing of THINGS for God we forget to actually LOOK for God.  Instead we tap Him on the shoulder and politely ask Him to get out of the way so we can continue our doing of things for Him.  The problem with this is that when we try to get God out of our way we are actually starting a mutiny of the Spirit.  A Coup' of God.  We're trying to take charge of a ship we couldn't possible be capable of running!

A Coup is the sudden, illegal deposition of a government, usually by a small group of the existing state.   I (the small group of the EXISTING state) forget that God IS THE WAY and treat Him as if He is only IN THE WAY. Think of it this way, an elementary school basketball team trying to overthrow their coach, Larry Bird.  It's not possible!

At times in my life find myself quickly trying to move Him out of the way so I can get back to His work.  Do you see how ridiculous that is?  Look folks, God IS the goal.  He IS the thing we're after.  It is on our way through this life that we connect and interact with God.  But when we try to put our goals, dreams and aspirations ahead of Jesus as the goal we find that He is in the way.

Father, help me and this church to always seek You.  To find You and walk WITH You on the way to knowing You more and loving You better.  It's all about YOU.  Help us to keep our focus on You even as we move ahead for You.

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