Thursday, December 19, 2013

How Did We Get So Confused? Phil Robertson and Faith

Log on to FB and you probably won't be able to scroll more than two or three stories without seeing some opinion, share, hashtag or video about Phil Robertson, A&E or someone's agenda concerning the two.  Whether you are boycotting Duck Dynasty because of the elder Robertson's comments or boycotting A&E because of their reaction to it I wonder what impact any of this really has on changing opinions or tolerance.

But so I won't be left out of the conversation I thought I'd weigh in.

I choose to live my life by a set of rules (two really) that are contrary to the way in which I often want to live.  I believe Phil Robertson shares this choice.  If you choose not to live by these same rules that is completely up to you.  You have every right to call me names because of my choice as I have right because of your choice (choosing not to chose is a choice) although I would be in violation of both of the commands I seek to live my life by if I did that so I'll try and refrain.

My faith in Jesus is expressed best when I live those two rules He gave me.  Not as I talk about them, but as I live them in my real life and as I encounter real people.

So here's a real life response to Phil and what is going on in the christian community.
1.  As I follow Jesus my response to the issue of homosexuality is one of love and a call to repentance.  It is the same approach I am obligated to take with adultery, slander, gossip, dishonesty, stealing, coveting, sexual immorality or any kind of course or crude language.
2.  If every homosexual who claims to be a Christian is going to hell  then so is every other christian who sins.  Any christian who is gossiping, lying (even "white" lies), viewing pornography, who is dishonest in their life or language, covets or is engaged in any sexual immortality.  Let's just sum it up by saying anyone who is consistently (even if there is a lot of time between occurrences) not being completely loving toward God or others.
3.  I have an obligation to my God to act in love toward the homosexual by trying to help them see their sin for sin just like I do for the one who is caught in pornography or is lying or using or being selfish.  It is NOT loving to know the truth and hide it because the person who you might share it with will be offended.  They do not have to accept it and I am not obligated by God to beat them over the head with my truth.  My job is to simply tell them.  Their job is to choose.  My eternity is not dependent on their choice.  However, my silence is not loving toward the individual nor to my God so that creates a problem for me!
4.  The christian can no more accept or tolerate homosexuality than we can adultery, law breakers, haters, gossips, etc., but we also can not be loving toward God and others and completely disregard the homosexual or others we disagree with or pretend they don't exist.
5.  My faith in Jesus is based on God's Word - not my own desires or feelings.  In that, my rules for living are objective because they are outside of me.  No matter what I feel internally for homosexuality or any other sin, I am bound by God's Word and not my own feelings.  Which means my opinions or feelings don't matter, what matters is what God's Word says.  That also means that my feelings/opinions don't change based on the temperature of the situation or what a friend or family member chooses to engage in.  If it's sin, it's sin no matter what I feel or think.
6.  If you disagree with my faith that is your choice.  I am bound by my choice to love God and love others regardless of what they do or say to or about me.  So if you violate my choice to believe I'll still love you.  I won't throw you in jail or kill you or slander you.  In fact, I'll do my best to live peaceably with you.  However I won't allow you to force me to change my convictions because of your desires, convictions or feelings.  If you are free then I am free (even though I choose to be bound by God's way of life).

As long as I live I will do my best to love God and love others even if they disagree with me or I with them.  I will not be quiet about my faith but I will not be militant either.  I have chosen to be bound in order that I might be free, maybe you don't desire that.  As for me and my family, we will serve the Lord by loving Him and others and pointing the world to repentance even if they don't accept it.


Unknown said...

Thank you Pastor Corey.
You speak the Truth and the Truth will set you free.

Kathy Patrick said...

Excellent post, and testament of God's Word. It is not our job to judge, although as humans we sometimes do, that's Real Life right? We as Christians have been given the opportunity to teach others about God's word, not condemn those who do not wish to be bound by His glory or have the same belief as we do. Thank you for sharing your views, and thoughts on this matter. Very well stated!