Thursday, April 3, 2014

He's Got A Plan, Not Just A Paddle

Day 94:  Leviticus 4, Psalm 94 & 2 Samuel 14

I'm just gonna jump in today because I'm in love with this concept!

In 2 Samuel as we looked yesterday Amnon had raped Tamar and for that his brother Absolom killed him - well deserved.  But because they were both sons of King David Absolom was allowed to live although in exile.  However, King David knew of Amnon's sin and so, though he was angry with Absolom for exacting the punishment, he knew it was just.

Anyway, after some time Joab, King David's right hand man could sense that David desired to have Absolom restored to him but couldn't bring himself to ask for it.  So Joab devised a plan and with the help of a wise woman from Tekoa, he carried it out to perfection.

I won't go into all that had happened, you can read 2 Samuel 14 if you'd like all the details, however, in the speech by the woman from Tekoa she says one thing that I just really loved.  In her story to the king she makes this statement, "God does not take away life, but plans ways so that the banished one will not be cast out from Him." I love that!

Now, I will be honest with you because if you're a skeptic reading this you're gonna call me on it anyway.  God has taken away life.  We've read a whole host of times that He has done that already this year and we're not even a 1/3 of the way through the Old Testament.  However, that is NOT God's first choice.  And when it does come time for that punishment it is either justified by the sin or there have been ways He's tried to bring about a change in the person(s) but it hasn't worked.

I would assert that God's first desire is not to take away life but to find a way to bring those who have been cast out back into relationship with Him.  That is, after all, the point of Jesus and the cross!  We were all banished because of our sin, but because God did not desire to take away our lives He sent His Son to the cross in our place that we would no longer be banished because of sin but instead restored.

And if you happen to be reading this and stand condemned because of your sin you need to know that God's desire is not to take away your life, but He has been consistently planning ways to end your banishment so that you will not be cast out, but brought into relationship!

Every experience you have in life has one goal from God's perspective, they are His plans to end your banishment.  You may not recognize the blessings or discipline or punishment as a plan, but I guarantee you that is exactly what they are.  He has a plan for you to be in relationship with Him so that when His Son returns you will not ultimately be cast out, but brought in.

So that fight you got into.  That arrest.  Your argument with your spouse or child or boss.  That car wreck or DUI or overdoes... those were all part of His plan to put you in a place where you could hear His voice and would respond to His call.  He is not seeking your death but your life.  And not a life separated from Himself, banished, but a life of relationship and involvement.

Do you feel like your on the outside looking in?  Does it feel like God is out to get you?  A little change in perspective will help you see that He IS out to get you - to get you from the sin you're caught in.  To get you from the darkness and bring you into the light.  To get you from the grip of satan, fear, death and depression and bring you into love, life and the hand of Jesus.

God is planning right now, the "good" and the "bad" together, for the purpose of restoring you to Himself as He's desired all along.  To end your banishment and rescue you from being cast out. You don't have to be an spiritual orphan any more.  Your time in Satan's foster care system can end.  You can be a child of God.

He's got a plan.  Trust it.

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