Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Who You Listen To Directly Affects What You Do...

Day 204:  Job 17 & 2 Chronicles 24

Joash became king of Judah when he was just seven years old.  When he was made king he was presented with the crown and a copy of the law of God (first five books of the Old Testament) by the priest of God, Jehoiada.  Whenever someone new was crowned king they were given a copy of the law which they were then to make their own hand written copy of.  I assume Joash did this.  I think it's even why, at such a young age, he determined to rebuild the Temple of God.

But in verse 17 of 2 Chronicles, shortly after the priest Jehoiada dies, some officials from Judah came to "pay homage" to Joash and he "listened to them..."  Soon after he abandoned the worship of God at the Temple and began to worship other gods.

When Jehoiada was alive Joash did what was right in the eyes of the Lord.  But once he was dead Joash almost immediately began to turn his back on God.  And when some smooth talkers came along they were easily able to influence Joash.

Who we listen to directly affects what we do.  There are some who desire your benefit and blessing and are willing to speak difficult things into your life with the hope that you will learn and grow.  There are others who will flatter you and say things that are nice to hear but their goal is not your benefit but their own.

When you are able to listen to those whose words may be a little harsh but whose desire is your ultimate benefit you will grow in character and leadership.  When you listen to those who just make you feel good about yourself you'll quickly find yourself seeking their approval... and you'll soon reject God's.

Who are you listening to today?

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