Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Give & Take: 2 stories. 1 outcome. 4 blessings.

Have you ever had anything stolen from you?
It's a pretty terrible feeling isn't it.  Just weeks after my wife and I were married someone broke into our home and stole a bunch of our few and precious belongings.
Have you ever had someone keep something that belonged to you?
Maybe it was the government keeping your tax refund or withholding your workers comp or unemployment funds.
When someone takes what doesn't belong to them or withholds what belongs to us it makes us angry.

Let me start with the most recent episode.
Judas was one of Jesus closest followers, a disciple.  He was present when Jesus fed the 5,000, when He restored the demon possessed boy, when He healed the crippled man by the pool and for every lesson Jesus ever taught.  Judas not only heard everything Jesus said about loving, giving, serving, helping and about who Jesus was and what He came to do, Judas actually saw all the miracles that proved Jesus was who He claimed to be, well, almost all the miracles.

But Judas had a problem.  Though he followed Jesus he loved himself.  Judas thought he was worth more to Jesus ministry than anyone else, including Jesus! John, another close follower of Jesus, would write this about Judas, "...he was a thief; as keeper of the money bag, he used to help himself to what was put into it" (John 12:6).  Judas literally stole from Jesus.  He took was not his and what he himself did nothing to earn.  It was given to God, it was taken by Judas.  Eventually Judas would sell out his friend and leader, Jesus, for 30 pieces of silver.  After he realizes what he has done, Judas went out and hung himself.  He never saw Jesus' last and greatest miracle, His resurrection.

Go back about 400 years.  Through the *prophet Malachi God spoke to His people Israel.  The same people who God rescued from slavery in Egypt, led through the wilderness for 40 years while providing for their every need.  These same people who thrived under kings like David and Solomon, who had wealth beyond measure and blessing upon blessing because they were were the people of God.  These same people were withholding what was rightfully God's and He was angry with them.  Here's what God told Malachi to tell the people, "Will a mere mortal rob God? Yet you rob me."  I know.  They asked the same question you're asking, "How are we robbing you?"  Here's God's response.  "In tithes and offerings."  He goes on to pronounce the punishment.  "You are under a curse—your whole nation—because you are robbing me."

Two stories separated by 400 years, one similar outcome.  Curse.  Now, Judas wasn't cursed by God but follow with me for just a little longer.

The people of God were suffering greatly when God spoke to Malachi.  They were calling out to God for help because of their oppression and poverty.  This once great nation was falling apart.  God said that it was because they were robbing Him.  What was Judas doing all those years later?  Robbing God.  Judas was taking what was not his and the Israelites were keeping what belonged to God.  Same sin.

I wonder what the outcome would have been if Judas would have responded to the blessings of Malachi?  There are 3 blessings God says He will give the Israelites if they stop stealing from Him by withholding what was rightfully His.

  1. The blessing of PLENTY.  "Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house" (v10).  When we give to God what is God's there is plenty to meet the needs of the ministries and missions God has called His church to support.  There's something comforting about having plenty.  It is a blessing.
  2. The blessing of TESTING.  "Test me in this" (v10).  Have you ever had anyone tell you to, "prove it"?  They are putting you to the test.  Seeing if you really can do 10 pushups without stopping.  Or eat that whole pizza or marry that girl.  Here's the deal though, very few are actually able to stand up to the test.  But God always will.  He will never fail a test - in part because this is the only thing we are allowed to test Him at.  His faithfulness in response to our giving.
  3. The blessing of POURING.  "...see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it" (v10).  Have you ever gotten to the end of the milk and you know others will want it for their cereal but there isn't enough for everybody to have as much as they want so you ration?  Isn't it so much better when you can pour out the milk without worry because there is plenty?  God doesn't want to give you a little here and a little there, He wants to POUR out blessing on you until it's overflowing.
  4. The blessing of PREVENTION.  "I will prevent pests from devouring your crops, and the vines in your fields will not drop their fruit before it is ripe" (v11).  We often think in terms of God giving blessing to us, but of equal, if not greater value, is the blessing of prevention.  How much money would you save if the car never broke down, the kids never got sick, you never got laid off or your gas tank never ran out?  When God gets involved He doesn't just give things to you He prevents things from getting to you.
If Judas would have been generous toward Jesus the blessing of Malachi could have been his.  In any case, God can't bless what you don't give.  Whether you're taking what doesn't belong to you or you're withholding what belongs to Him you're the one that's missing out.  The Israelites and Judas both thought the same, if they take or keep they'll have more but that wasn't the truth.  

Are you taking what doesn't belong to you?  Are you withholding what belongs to God?  God can't bless what you don't give.  

How can you make sure you're giving to God?  
  • Serve.  Use your time, abilities, finances or possessions to help your church fulfill it's mission.
  • Give.  This is pretty obvious.  Don't keep what isn't yours, things He's given you for the express purpose of blessing others or His church.   Don't withhold what belongs to God, the tithe or first 10% of your increase - for most of us that's a paycheck, for others it might be barter or animals or fruit from the ground.  
  • Grow.  Make a conscious effort to study, read and pray to make sure you're giving so He can start blessing.

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