Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Hebrews 1 / Dec 3 - Jesus is # 1

Do you remember in Nacho Libre when Ramses is getting ready for the big fight? He's got some guy who is sitting there saying, "Ramses is #1, his arms are number one, his legs are number one, his fists are number one...Ramses is...number one."
In the movie it turns out to not be true, since Ramses gets beat by Nacho. But we could say this about Jesus and it would be true. Look no further than Hebrews 1.

Jesus is
heir of all things
maker of the universe
the radiance of God's glory
the exact representation of his being
sustainer of all things by his powerful word
superior to the angels

There are those who worship mere men or women... but they will eventually get beat, by death or Nacho if nothing else. Angels are pretty popular today but even with their abilities worshiping angels doesn't get you anywhere either.

Jesus is the only one that fits the bill. Heir. Maker. Radiance. Exact Representation. Sustainer. Superior. There is no one else who is the Son of God. No one else who has the right to stand at the right hand of God. No one else who will withstand and outlast everything else created.

Jesus is number one...
His arms are number one...
His legs are number one...
His love is number one...
His grace is number one...
His mercy is number one...
His sacrifice is number one...
Jesus...is....number one!

Have a great Wednesday knowing you have a relationship with the NUMBER ONE of all time!

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