Monday, June 8, 2009

Can you know without knowing?

As most of you know my son Trent has severe Autism. I am working this summer in his classroom to help with his aggression. He has been pretty calm since I started working in there, just part of the honeymoon phase I'm sure, but he has been much better.
Anyway, there is some discussion about where he needs to go next school year and there is also some debate between his teacher/para's and the district administration. Today we tried to explain to an administrator about his aggression. She didn't get it. He was calm while she was in the room so I'm sure she thought we all are exaggerating the situation. The truth is you can't overstate his aggression.

I was thinking it's the same way with Real Life. It is so difficult to explain and so many people don't get it. They see us going through the same junk they do so they think there's nothing to it. But they don't see the whole story. They don't understand the camaraderie when we worship. They don't get the comfort of having others to rely on. They miss the connection we have with Jesus. They don't see the grace. The peace. The joy that fills and permeates who we are.

Maybe this is why the bible says that there will be some who will hear but never understand, see but never perceive because if they did understand and perceive they would come to know what we know and give their lives to Christ.

1 comment:

Candace said...

Hello Corey. My name's Candace. I moved to El Dorado last August for school. I've been praying for God to show me a new, fresh, and original church. I went running last night to Walmart, and for the first time I actually looked below the Real Life words on the sign and saw "Christian Church". I was like, "WHAT?" My phone service provider is Alltel, so I am in that parking lot often...I just can't believe its taken me about a year to realize that was a church...I feel kind of stupid. However, I'm extremely excited to come and see what you guys are all about. I'll pray for your son. And I totally agree with your blog. Have a great day =]