Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Michael Jackson dies at age 50.

So my friends and fans of Michael Jackson, you may not want to read this... not that it is bad or slams Michael, but in this extended state of mourning you may not be thinking clearly and so completely miss what I'm trying to say.

I grew up with Michael Jackson. I remember when Thriller came out and I knew all the words to Smooth Criminal (the video was soooo cool). But I also watched part of the pedophile trial, etc. so I wasn't in a fairy tale world when it came to Michael.

But today, L.A. put on a tribute or memorial or whatever they called it to Michael and paraded one star after another on stage to talk about how wonderful he was and what a great entertainer and how his music and creativity changed the music industry forever. And I suppose it has.

But I was once told, as a pastor, never to preach anyone INTO heaven or OUT OF hell. Their life, like mine and yours, will speak for itself. Bottom line, end of the argument, last word is always whether or not that INDIVIDUAL had a relationship with Jesus Christ. I don't know if Michael did or did not - but I know one guy who knows and He's the one making the decision, judge and jury, so I'll leave it in His big, scarred hands.

While watching a portion of the service today I heard Stevie Wonder say that he "knew" as much as we needed (Michael) him, God must have needed him more... and I think that I take issue with that statement. Today I was reading about the life of King David and the men that were appointed as singers and instrumentalists before God at the Tabernacle and the Bible says that they were all skilled in their area. What does this mean? God doesn't need Michael in heaven or anywhere else, like it or not Michael is just a man, like every other man who is skilled at doing something and can do it well. And as uneducated as it may sound He (God) doesn't NEED any of us. But He does WANT all of us.

If Michael is in heaven he is with millions of others who all have perfect voices. Who never get tired. Who have infinite creativity and time to do anything that would bring Honor and Glory to God. I hope he is there. Just like I hope you're there - though I don't know you and you probably aren't famous (no one famous reads this blog haha) and you may not be able to sing... I hope to see you there.

Stevie, every song you've ever done I think must be a hit but you struck out on this one... Michael didn't die because God needed him in heaven, Michael died because he abused the things that were meant to help him, or his organs began to fail or there was some congenital thing going on we won't find out about for some time. His fate is our fate. But the promise of life with God is always there to everyone who believes in the one God sent, Jesus Christ, His only son. Heaven is NOT based on how well you sing, or whether or not you were famous, or if you have any creative bone in your body. It isn't even based on how many "good" things you do or how much joy you bring to others, God isn't prejudiced like that. The playing field is level. The option is there for me as it was for Michael and as it is for you... that whoever believes in HIM (Jesus) will be saved.

1 comment:

Jane Ann said...

Corey: How exciting to read your blog and to think I new you when you could hardly talk let alone write. I, of course, totally agree with your thoughts regarding M Jackson, the world's view and of course our place in the sun in regards to how God views it all. Your Mom gave me your blog address long time ago but I lost it. Now it is found. Love you Jane Ann "C".