Thursday, May 12, 2011

Is God Hidden in YOUR Hands?

So I'm reading in Psalm 77 the other day and I'm thinking to myself, I know EXACTLY how this guy feels!  He says, "my life was an open wound that wouldn't heal... my friends said, 'everything will be alright!' I didn't believe a word they said."  He goes on to talk about how he can't sleep, he's up all night playing music but it doesn't help... He wonders if God has gone off and left and in pity says, "Just my luck... the High God goes out of business the moment I need Him!"
Come on now, surely you've felt this way. You've prayed and prayed and no answer has come.  You're spinning your wheels and getting nowhere.  Do I turn right... or left... or keep right on going this way, God?  But no direction is clear to you.  It is so depressing, I know, I've been there too!  Come on God!  Hear me!  Answer me!  Show me!  Lead me!  I've yelled it all to a silent sky.  No voice.  No piercing light from heaven showing me the path.
The writer of this Psalm though tells us how he got through this major pity episode.  "Once again I'll go over what God has done, lay out on the table the ancient wonders; I'll ponder all the things You've accomplished and give a long, loving look at your acts."
And what happens when he does this?  He remembers!  Wow God!  When I look back on what You have done I am amazed at Your hand, ever-present in all my life's ups and downs!  There is no one like You who controls the natural and supernatural for the favor of your chosen people!  You alone are God and there is none like You!
But this post is not about pity parties and God's presence in our lives.  You thought it was?  Weird.
No, this post is about HOW God works and reveals Himself in the natural world and how YOU and I get to be a part of His incredible plan.
verses 19 and 20 tell an incredible story of God's presence... "You strode right through ocean, walked straight through roaring ocean, but NOBODY saw you come and go.  Hidden in the hands of Moses and Aaron, You led your people like a flock of sheep."
God's incredible power and plan and presence is hidden in the hands of those who follow Him completely.  Amazing.  I've heard it said that we, as Christians, are to be the hands and feet of Christ... but this is so much more powerful to me.  God - in all His power and majesty to work in the lives of people - is hidden in the hands of a few.  What we say to people.  What we do for them.  How we treat them, whether grocery store clerk, tire repair man or bank president our Mighty and Awesome God can be hidden in our hands.  Seen only with reflection and time and the Spirit.  How did you treat those around you today?  Was God hidden in your hands?
We have an obligation to the Creator of the world and Savior of our souls to use our lives as walking billboards for His glory - God might just be hiding in your hands to reveal Himself to someone today.  Will they see Him?

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