Tuesday, April 26, 2011

God's incredible love - a response to inadequacy

Got a note from a lady I'd never met before asking a question about Easter.  As she began her question she mentioned that she loved Jesus and believed but didn't know how God could love her because of her past sins.  She said she felt very unworthy and it seemed she had a hard time reconciling her life with God's overwhelming love for her.  I think like many she has some head knowledge of God's great love but doesn't fully comprehend it.  I believe it was Paul who prayed that we would know the, "height and depth and length and breadth of God's love" (notice that he spoke that in four dimensions - not just three).
So I thought I'd share my response to her concerning her feelings of inadequacy.  Perhaps it will amaze you as it does me!

"Glad to be of service! By the way... none of us are worthy of His love or sacrifice, that's the incredible and amazing thing about God! None of it is about us, ALL of it is about God. It's HIS goodness, HIS love, HIS mercy, HIS grace, HIS sacrifice and HIS glory - it's all from HIM! That a God like this would love us when we could give Him nothing is beyond our comprehension... but if we could understand it, then He wouldn't be God. You are worthy not because of what you've done (or haven't done) but because HE loves you and died for you. It's Jesus who makes you worthy. So live and function and breath in HIS worthiness and offer your thanks to God through a life lived for Him!"

Here's why we shouldn't feel inadequate to receive God's love... because we didn't do anything to earn it!  It didn't come from us or in response to anything we had done.  If I could earn God's love then I might feel inadequate (because I'd feel like no matter what I did it wouldn't be enough).  If I had to pay for it I might feel inadequate (because I couldn't give Him enough to repay Him for what He'd done).  But because it is His sacrifice that makes me worthy as His creation I can't do anything to earn it so I should feel an overwhelming sense of honor because He did this all for me... not inadequacy.  Inadequacy has to do with what I have done, honor has to do with what He has done for me.

So thank you Father for sending your Son and making me worthy because He is worthy.  Your love for me is amazing, may I give my life in response to your great love.