Friday, November 4, 2011

Reminder to Parents

Just had a simple reminder today from Deuteronomy 31:9-13 I thought I'd pass on to those of you with children or if you're expecting children some day.

Children believe what we tell them as their parents.  We have the ability, through what we chose to say, to totally destroy their self-image, by being negative.  Or to build them up and encourage them to be the best they can be.  But this also works with our faith.  Moses told the people of Israel just before he died to, "make the children listen so that they will learn to live in holy Awe..."

Have you talked to your children about your faith?  Have you told them how God has worked in your life?  Do you share stories with them in the car or at dinner about how God is working in your life or what you learned about Him in a Bible study or prayer time?  The more comfortable you are in sharing your faith with your children the more they will see faith as a benefit and privilege instead of a boring or dead part of life that could be tossed aside.

If they see God working in your life, they will begin to look for Him working in their lives as well!  Don't assume that they "get" it at church or in Sunday School.  You have the power and the responsibility to instill faith in your children's lives, the earlier the better.

Here's how I have tried to remind myself to be conscious about this issue.  If I am instrumental in leading hundreds, even thousands to faith in Jesus through my ministry and life, yet see my children far from that faith I will have failed as a father and as a pastor.  My first faith responsibility is to MY family, then yours.  I will not trade their souls for any others.

Have you talked with your children about Jesus?  Next time you see a beautiful sunset talk to your kids about the God who spoke that into being.  At the first snow discuss with your children how no two snowflakes are alike and while super tiny, each one is beautifully created and nearly perfectly symmetrical.  God set that plan in motion thousands of years ago.  When God answers a prayer or works a miracle, no matter the size, in your life, let the family be the first to know!

By doing these simple things you will teach your children to live in holy Awe of the creator and lover of their souls.

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