Tuesday, August 28, 2012

You Can't Do it on Your Own...

Just heard this sentiment again:  "his parents came to this country with $10 in their pocket and taught their child to rely on himself."  We've heard the now famous line, "if you've got a business, you didn't build that."  Let me speak some Truth into these sentiments.

No matter how much money you've got in your pocket God is the one who put it there.  He is the One who directs your steps, gives you opportunity, provides and protects.  You've got a $1,000 and I've got God - I'm gonna win. Look, you can rely on yourself all you want but in the end the measure of control you actually have over your life is insignificant to the events and situations you cannot control.

Let me give you an example of what I'm talking about.

"The farm of a certain rich man produced a terrific crop. He talked to himself: 'What can I do? My barn isn't big enough for this harvest.' Then he said, 'Here's what I'll do: I'll tear down my barns and build bigger ones. Then I'll gather in all my grain and goods, and I'll say to myself, Self, you've done well! You've got it made and can now retire. Take it easy and have the time of your life!' "Just then God showed up and said, 'Fool! Tonight you die. And your barnful of goods—who gets it?' "That's what happens when you fill your barn with Self and not with God." Luke 12:16-21

When we rely on ourselves, our bank accounts, our smarts and strength we will eventually lose.  What is worth your very life?

As Americans we are probably the number one country in convincing ourselves that we are completely able, within ourselves, to accomplish anything we set our minds to.  The problem?  Our Declaration and Even our National Motto inescapably place our greatness on our God, not on ourselves.  Every nation that has left God and began to build on their own ingenuity and strength has eventually failed.

So the Truth is that if you have a business you should recognize that God has helped you get there.  If you have a strong marriage, God has blessed you.  If you have a good relationship with your children, family, a good job, a nice home or cars, God has been watching over you.

It's not that you haven't done anything, but what you have has come directly from God.  Because if God chose your life could be gone and all you've built will go to someone else.

Instead, we should build our lives and our judgement for success on God.  Build your relationship with God and He'll take care of your business.  Build your relationship with God and He'll watch over your family, He'll work through you to accomplish what you could never do on your own.

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