Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Wednesday Genesis 40

 How do you keep your eyes on God enough that you don’t get upset when things seem to go wrong yet always give God the glory when things go right?  It seems like it should be easy, yet many of us find it very difficult.  How do you keep a right perspective through the ups and downs of life?  I’d love to hear from you!  

1 comment:

Ellen Landreth said...

Great reminder. When things go wrong in life we have several things to credit. Perhaps it is the natural consequence of something we did or said. (We eat unhealthy and too much food, we suffer the consequences of our health.) Perhaps it is because of another person's choice--like they choose to drink and drive and crash into us. Again natural consequence. Joseph was in the position he found himself because of his brothers choice. But it appears he was always on the lookout for the good and ways he could do his best in whatever circumstance he found himself. Wow. What an attitude to emulate.

Another cause of wrong things happening is that Satan specialized is fouling things up, discouraging people and death and illness are a result of mankind's choice to sin. Not that each thing that happens to us is because of our sin but because of "sin"in general, and Satan is on that throne. Before mankind chose to sin I think the world was perfect, there was no illness and people were set to live forever. (There was no death before the choice to sin.) Once sin (Satan) entered the picture death followed.

God can certainly heal every illness and put a bubble of protection around everyone so only good things happen. He did that in the garden, but mankind stepped out of the bubble and we all have followed suit. We live in a fallen world and bad things happen.

But God is personally with us through it all and we can have complete peace even when in the worst of health and facing death. Joseph got it! Do we?