Friday, July 25, 2008

Mark 4 / July 26 - it's all about me (or so I think)

Hey all, hope you had a good week.
I was reading this mornings text and was just thinking, same story, different day. Then at the end I saw something that I hadn't taken notice of before.

Have I told you that I don't like roller-coasters? Yeah, sure I have. I hate them. Why, you ask? It is simple really, I believe that if I ride a coaster I will die. I will fall out of the thing, it will fall on me, I'll loose my head, or my wallet, or my lunch or something. Whatever happens to me it won't be good.

Now, I can watch others go on them. In fact I've spent a good portion of my life watching others ride roller-coasters. friends, family, strangers...but I'm not doing it.

When it comes to me, I'm pretty careful. Do you feel like that? When others are feeling bad or sick I feel bad for them, when I am sick or feeling bad it is the end of the world. Some people say that I'm just a big baby. I think I'm normal.

I just noticed that when the disciples are in the boat with Jesus they are not worried about Him, like I always thought, they are worried about themselves! I always thought they were scared because they thought the boat would capsize and they would all die and Jesus was like, "you of little faith..." because He was not going to die before His time. But they aren't worried about Jesus at all! they said, "Teacher, don't you care if WE drown?" It was all about them!

Jesus says "you of little faith" perhaps because He wanted them to know what a big part of the story they would be. Jesus was not going to let these men be lost to some silly storm. That was not a part of the plan, and God's plans always work out. So Jesus rebukes the storm, "Hey, stupid storm, knock it off!" and that was it. Calm water. Clear skies. Smooth sailing.

My personal life is always more important to me (sorry) but so is yours! Our own personal lives are a bigger deal. So, here's the moral. God has a plan for you. He will not let you go before His plan for your life is fulfilled. Does that help? You want to know what His plan for you is? Well, I don't know that one-that's between you and Him. But, in the mean time, why not exercise a little faith?

Have a good weekend. I'll see you Monday morning.

1 comment:

Jack said...

The trick is knowing when that time is up ! ha ha ! Even better , lets not wait till the end to assure our place in heaven . We can accept Christ and spread the good news to all our friends and family. That way it gives us all peace of mind when we leave the earth. My mom passing away really hurt but I have no doubt where she is and it made all the difference. God gave me that comfort in her passing. So pass it on and start living today . It's a wild ride and you may just end up at Real Life. Now the fun begins ! Have a good weekend and see you all sunday at church or the pool.