Sunday, July 27, 2008

Mark 6 / July 28 - try to trust

What a great evening! We had 5 people who were immersed and a bunch who enjoyed an evening of fun in the water! What a day! A good time sharing together in the am and good times in the evening too! Joseph A, Michelle R, Julie and Jim C, and Doug E were all immersed into Jesus Christ and are beginning this new phase of their relationship with Him.

Now, on to Mark 6. Verses 45-52 tell of Jesus making the disciples do something that ended up being hard, difficult for them. Jesus made his disciples get into the boat and head out across the lake, which on a normal day would not have taken them very long. But today, they met with a storm. Storms were common on the Sea of Galilee (or Ganessaret) and the disciples, several of them very experienced fishermen who grew up on this lake, would have known that a storm was likely. But Jesus sent them out anyway, perhaps against their protests (don’t know but maybe). Once there they met with the storm and even Jesus saw them “straining at the oars.” Then Jesus went out to meet them, walking on the water. Which is pretty cool but not the main focus here.

Why would Jesus send the disciples out into a storm he knew was coming? Jesus isn’t our Savior just to make everything groovy for us and easy. He wants to teach us some things at the same time. He wants us to learn to trust Him, just as he did the disciples, they could not be prepared to take over his ministry without first learning to completely trust Him no matter what the storm they faced.

You can trust Him to. First in the little things, then bigger. Eventually you will learn to trust Him with your life. Why not start today? Something simple? Courage? Financial issues? Relationship problems? He wants to be involved…He wants to help…He already loves you enough to give His life for yours. Have a great day!

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