Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Mark 9 / July 31 - whose right?

Have you ever wondered why there are so many different churches? I have heard that there are over 50 different kinds of baptist church (and there not the only ones). In fact, depending on who you talk to, the Independent Christian Churches, Churches of Christ and Disciples of Christ all started out as the same church. Why are the so many, when in the beginning there was only one? Here's the truth.

From the first verse of this chapter there are several different views you could take. Here is the first verse and Jesus says that "some" will not taste death before they see the kingdom of God come with power.

Alright, first: how many is some?
second: what is the definition of "taste death"?
third: what is the kingdom of God coming with power?

Okay, depending on who you ask there could be several interpretations of this passage.

First: In verses 2-7 "some" of the disciples saw a bright light and all of the sudden Moses and Elijah were there talking to Jesus and then a voice, presumably that of God (powerful) said, "this is My Son, listen to Him." So, this "transfiguration" showing Jesus' as He was before His earthly birth, could be the Kingdom of God coming with power.

Second: the Kingdom of God coming with power could also be a reference to Acts 2:1-4 When the Holy Spirit comes "in power"? and the disciples begin to speak in other languages as they usher in the earthly Kingdom of God (in the Christian age).

Third: is it possible that some of them who were there with Jesus would not die until Jesus comes back the second time and the Kingdom of God "comes with power"?

Each of these options has been suggested as a possible resolution to the Kingdom of God coming with power from today's text. And, as silly as it seems, that is the reason there are so many different churches. Each person/group has a different opinion and each believes that their opinion is the right one. So, this group breaks off from that group and soon we have hundreds of churches that all worship the same God (well, many of them anyway) but have a different take on what His Word says.

Now the bottom line. Real Life is not the only church and we aren't the only Christians, but we do want to strive to be Christians only. I don't want to make anyone think that we've got it all together or are always right...the truth is we are and will make mistakes in both theology and practice but we will always strive to do the Biblical things in Biblical ways, while always trying to use every opportunity and option to reach those who are unchurched or underchurched with the hope of Real Life in Jesus Christ.

We want to connect with people and connect people to Jesus.


Andrea said...

I'm glad you talked about those verses. I found myself questioning what it meant while I read the rest of the passage. You didn't give a direct answer, but giving interpretations helped. Thanks, Honey!

Andrea said...
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