Friday, July 2, 2010

The POINT of prophecy.

I've been a little "off" lately in my blogging - no comments allowed.
Church life and ministry are often a blessing and often, nearly more than I think I can handle. The last few weeks have been some of the worst in my 15 years of ministry. Satan is certainly at work in the lives of people, relationships, marriages, etc. And we, by giving into our "desires" allow Satan to have victories that decay our spirit and tear down the Kingdom.

That being said, my Bible reading has been in the last book of the Bible and the most difficult to understand, Revelation. (if you comment and say you've got it figured out and it's easy to understand I just might call you a liar.)

But there have been some incredible passages in this letter that twists and turns and repeats and crosses stories. One of them I cam across today in Revelation 19.

John is in the midst of a bunch of symbolism here with animals and people representing a bunch of different things. It seems like there is prophecy within prophecy here - kind of a Matrix moment when your in the story your in... like when you look in a mirror that's reflected in another mirror and your image goes on and on. But in the midst of all this stuff the angel says something incredible to John.

It comes in verse 10 of chapter 19 and the angel says, "For the essence of prophecy is to give a clear witness for Jesus." wow.

In the middle of the most prophetic book in the Bible with stuff happening all over the place the angel cuts right to the heart of it all! The point! The reason! The effort all finds it's purpose in focusing every one's attention on Jesus.

There are lots of people who claim to be prophetic or prophets today. Some of them may be legitimate but I fear most are phonies. How do you know? If they add anything to the ultimate prophecy found in the Words of the Bible they are fakes. There is no new prophecy. It begins and ends with Jesus.

But the point today is as strong as it was for John and as clear as it was to the angel. It's all about Jesus. There is no point in prophecy unless it points clearly to Christ.

So, I want to be more clear in my preaching so that people see Jesus. I want to be more honest in my life so that people see Jesus. I want to be more careful with my words so that people hear Jesus. I want to preach Jesus with laser accuracy so there is no doubt. No question. No mistaking who is the One who takes away sin and gives life. He is the only One that brings life change. Let's cut through the junk and be clear.

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