Tuesday, September 28, 2010

3 thoughts from John 21/Acts 1

Just a few observations about what is going on in this chapter that you might find interesting.

1. in vs 3 - Jesus has revealed Himself in resurrection glory to the disciples a number of times already but the disciples, while believing He had been raised from the dead, didn't move. They didn't do anything but sit around together in the upper room. They had seen the Lord, but not been moved to action yet. Then all the sudden Peter says, "I'm going fishing." And many of think that is a good idea so they get up and go with him.
-- observation -- when things get boring spiritually, you're not growing or going anywhere for Jesus it is easier to fall back into the same pattern of behavior you were in before you accepted the gospel message. Peter knew fishing so when things cooled down and they were just in coast mode he went back to what he knew. We often go back to the familiar, the things that once defined us when there is a pause in our spiritual growth. Jesus had to make the same call to Peter and the others that He did the first time he called them to be "fishers of men." This time though He said, "feed my sheep." Keep moving for God or you might slip back into your old habits and behaviors.

2. In vs 21 Jesus is talking to Peter and they are having a good conversation when Peter turns and looks at John and says to Jesus, "what about him?"
-- observation -- do you ever get the feeling we are so concerned about what everyone else is doing or where they're going or what our position is relative to theirs that we miss our own target? My prayer for this passage was, "God help me to focus on what You have called ME to do - not on what you've called someone else to." I see other ministers with big salaries and churches it get easy to say to God, "what about him?" But I need to let God take care of His business and I need to focus on mine.

3. Jesus finally makes His last accession to heaven and Peter and the others are standing there looking up into the sky when a couple of angles appear (unknown to the group who were busy) and say, "why are you staring up into heaven?"
-- observation -- I'm not sure why the group was just standing there but Jesus had left them with instructions, there was work to do! I wonder if sometimes we spend too much time staring up into heaven waiting on God's next move, His next big thing, another miracle or answer to prayer... but while were staring God is stewing. Get to work! There's stuff to do! This same Jesus whom you've seen go up into heaven will come back as you saw Him go, until then, get busy!

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