Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Acts 2 - God's part/our part

It is really easy to get caught up in the story of Acts 2, storm sounds, lightning, fire, it's ever kids dream - a pyrotechnic miracle! But I'm praying that God will help me see Him and hear Him through His Word so I'm looking deeper than just the cool story of birthday of the Holy Spirit in the lives of men.

I see several things going on in this story that the church today could benefit from. First it seems that God caused a stir - that was His doing. There was a violent and loud sound that brought everyone running to where they heard the sound coming from. It was a different sound than they had heard before in Jerusalem so they all wanted to know what was going on.

Once they arrived to where the sound had originated they heard the Apostles speaking in their own language and telling of the Good News of Jesus resurrection so that those who came because of the sound, might hear the Word and believe and then respond appropriately by being immersed - putting to death the old self, the physical self (like Jesus did on the cross) and being buried signifying their death (as did Jesus in the tomb) and being reborn through the water into a new creation (as Jesus was upon His resurrection).

The people were so excited when they heard the message because it was clearly understood, the "wonderful things You [God] have done."

So I'm praying for several things today:
1. That God draws a crowd. That He does something among us that our community has never seen before so that they want to come and discover for themselves what is going on.
2. Once they are here I pray that we speak to them in their language - not super spiritual language that they don't understand, but like the opposite of "lost in translation" I pray that through God's Spirit each person "hears" exactly what they need to hear, supernaturally, so that they can make a decision for Jesus.
3. That we proclaim the message of Jesus Christ so that it is "clearly understood." We don't want to get the message mixed up and jumbled together, but to keep it clear so that those who hear would hear of, "the wonderful things You have done."

God draw a crowd. Speak to each one exactly what they need to hear. And help us to keep the message clear so that they hear about what You have done. You must increase, we must decrease.

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