Wednesday, September 29, 2010

We often stop too soon.

I don't enjoy confrontation. Often my prayers go like, "God, did you hear what so-and-so said? That was crazy! Please convict them and shut them up so that I don't have to hear what Satan has to say through them."

My goal in prayer is to get my opposition to be quiet or that God would remove them so they won't "get in His way" anymore. I'm really small minded.

In Acts 4 Peter and John just spent the night in jail for healing a dude who'd been crippled and begging for 40 years. They were sternly warned the next day not to speak in the Name of Jesus anymore and set free. They go back to the house where the church met and told them what happened and then they prayed.

To my surprise they prayed just like me! Really! They prayed, "Lord, consider their threats..." Cool! They want God to get involved with those who would seek to shut them up or oppose them. They are asking God to consider the threats against them as threats against Him. Just like me! But then they go on...

"...and enable your servants to speak boldly." Crap. See, I often stop too soon in my prayers. I want God to get involved but I don't ask Him for boldness to continue speaking, or help to overcome my own fear so that Satan doesn't get the victory. You see, Satan doesn't need to kill us or destroy us or treat us like Job from the Bible. He just has to scare us enough to shut up. Then he's won.

So, how is Satan coming against you? Is it financial? The threat of loosing a car, your home, your job? My prayer today was, "God, consider Satan's threats against You and help me to continue to preach your word and share the Gospel no matter what. No car. No house. No income. No problem. As long as I continue to do what You've called me to do. Help me speak Your Word with great boldness."

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