Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A Picture of Jesus Love for Us

In Psalm 45 is a picture of a wedding day, actually it starts in 44 with a song for the groom and then runs into 45 with a song for the bride.  Something we don't really get about weddings back then, they were arranged, many times years before the couple were old enough to actually get married.  Sometimes the bride was "sold" to the highest bidder.  Often, because women were seen as possessions in those days, they were not treated very well. But in this song it's more than just a song for the bride about her groom and new life - it's an allegory (a representation of a spiritual meaning in a real-life picture) for Jesus and His bride, the church.
In verse 11 the singer says to the bride, "be here" which is a such a cool statement as I remember my own wedding day.  There were so many things going on that I think I missed a lot of that day because, instead of being in the moment at hand, I was thinking about all the other moments coming up, including trying to remember the words to the Luther Vandross song I sang to her (deleted that from the video!).  It's a flaw I have, I'm so focused on the destination I can't enjoy the journey.  It was true even on my wedding day.  But the bride here is encouraged to be in the moment - to bathe in what is happening right here, right now.
Now, 20 years later, I wish I could remember every second of my wedding but there is one thing I do remember, the way Andi looked at me as we stood on the stage.  She looked up at me like her whole life was being displayed in my eyes.  She could have looked right through me... it would have been one those really incredible memories if my knees wouldn't have been shaking so much!  But I do remember looking down at here thinking, "Wow, this beautiful girl is really marrying me... she really loves me."
The singer says, "be here."  Don't worry about anything else, just be right here, soaking up every moment, every breath, every sensation, sound, smell, sight.
But the real kicker here is WHY he says "be here."  It's because the groom in his song is, "wild for her." How cool is that!  Here's an arranged marriage that could have gone wrong but instead the groom is wildly in love with her!  That means that He wants what is best for her, He will seek what is best for her and do whatever he can to show His love for her in every situation.  He says, "be here" because this guys is crazy in love with you!  What a wonderful moment!
And he continues, "because he is your lord, adore him."  So, it's okay to be in the moment.  Forget the past, your parent's home, baggage, former life, pain and worry and focus on the moment, where your future lies.  It's easy to do because your husband loves you like crazy... and because he is your "lord" (in that time the man was the head of the house - the Bible still tells us this is true today) AND he loves you so much you can be free to adore him.
When we view this in the allegory we see that you and I are the bride, our husband, Jesus is wild about us and loves us with everything that He is (even facing and enduring death for us) but He doesn't have to!  He is the creator and sustainer, He owns us.  He could simply make us follow and obey.  But instead He loves us.  We are now free to adore Him.  To be here in the moment and trust that He has our best interest at heart and will love us no matter what.  We adore Him because He has earned it, not because it's demanded of us and that is really what adoration is all about.
I love you Savior, for you first loved me and will never not love me. Let me look into Your eyes for You are my present and my future.

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