Thursday, April 7, 2011

What, "never leave you" means...

Been MIA for awhile, hope to get back!

Can I make a confession that will likely incriminate me?  One of my favorite movies is Major Payne.  There I said it.  Admitting something is the first set, right?  Well, near the end of the movie Major Payne and the cadets are acting like a family (finally) when the Major gets called up for active duty and he accepts the position.  As he prepares to leave one of the cadets yells, "you said we were family!"  To which the Major replies, "but I never said families don't split up.  Don't you watch Oprah?"
We all make statements we can't really back up.  Nearly every family movie you watch has a scene where a parent says to a child something like, "I would never let anything happen to you."  Of course it's right when the parent is leaving the kid in a closet during a tornado to save something that wasn't very important to begin with.  We can't control the weather, or anything else.  But we talk like we can.
Or we tell someone we love, "I'm not going anywhere" or "till death do us part."  And then try to explain how Daddy and Mommy don't love each other anymore but it doesn't mean they don't love you or will ever leave you.  Unfortunately, kids are smarter than that.
I was reading the story of David and Jonathan in 1 Samuel 20 today and came across this line that Jonathan says to David, "remember that God's in on this with us to the very end."  I love that!
The fact of the matter is that I don't always go the way God wants me to go.  I go my own way, do my own thing all too often.  I don't always go with God... but He always goes with me.  I'm like the friend who ALWAYS has to have their way.  You know that friend.  You have that friend.  The difference is that God's way is ALWAYS better then mine!  But it doesn't matter.  Even when I refuse to follow Him, He will always go with me.  Always trying to get me to go the right way, do the right thing.  Always urging me to be my best, do my best, give my best.  Always pointing out that narrow road over there that I should be on.
Even when we refuse to go with God He always goes with us.
You see, you and me, He meant it when He said, "I will NEVER leave you or forsake you."


elandreth said...

We all need that reminder.

Talking about how things parents say affect kids. A lady in my life story class said her mother's mother died when she was a little girl. So this little girl, all grown up and married with her own children told them, "I will never die and leave you. I would take you with me." So that lady would have dreams about her mom taking her and walking off a cliff together. It was horribly frightening and her mom was trying to say something comforting.

Corey said...

Thanks for not every saying you would kill yourself and take me along with you!