Friday, April 13, 2012

"But He..."

I'm prepping for the message this Sunday and have decided to use Luke 8 as the main text for the message.  Specifically verses 49-56 which is where Jesus brings the dead daughter of Jairus back to life.  We'll also be looking at another passage in Luke 8 and one in Luke 7 both where the people involved thought there was no hope for their lives/situations.

In the Luke 8:54 passage Luke talks about how Jesus... wait, I don't want to give the whole thing away so I'll be a little vague... let's just say the people are laughing at Jesus because of what He said.  And Luke starts verse 54 with "But He" and it just struck me with such force.

But He.  If what followed those two little words was something like, "but He was wrong..." we wouldn't probably give it another thought.  But he doesn't.  What follows is something incredible.  I found another passage with those very words.  In Luke 4:30 Jesus has been preaching and the crowd becomes furious with Him and begins to press in and pick up stones to kill Him, "But He" walked right through them to safety.

Amazing isn't it.  You could add those two words to anything and completely change how you feel about the situation.  When the disciples where in the boat and it was sinking in the squall and they finally went to Jesus and said, "Don't you care that we are going to die?"  But He wasn't scared.  He spoke to the wind and waves and they calmed.

Maybe today you are worried about the storms that are being predicted for our area this weekend.  But He isn't worried.  There's never been a storm yet Jesus couldn't calm with a word.

Maybe you're scared because your marriage is on rocky ground and you don't know what the future holds.  But He holds the future.

Your job or car or kids are giving you all kinds of problems... But He is always steady and never shaken.

Whatever you're going through there's a "But He..." at the end.

Your spouse may walk out on you.  But He will never leave you or forsake you.
You may be facing a serious illness.  But He made our bodies and heals the sick.
You may think you'll never experience joy or peace in your life.  But He gives them freely to those who believe.
You may have had a horrible father who abused you and treated you terribly.  But He is kind and loving and always does what is best for you.
You don't know where you next meal is coming from.  But He does.
You don't know if you can make it to your next paycheck.  But He's already made a way.
You don't know what's gonna happen tomorrow.  But He holds your past, present and future in His hands.
You don't think you can ever be forgiven or accepted or loved.  But He already died for YOU.  But He already paid your price.  But He knew you and loved you in the middle of your sin... binge... abuse... addiction... pain... hate... fear...

You may not know what to do.  But He's got this.

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