Monday, April 16, 2012

Changes Are Coming! Join Us!

I was reading today in John 9 about Jesus healing a man who had been blind since birth.  The interesting thing about this particular healing is that the man doesn't see his healer.  Jesus makes some clay on the ground and puts it on the mans eyes and then tells him to go and wash his eyes in a specific pool of water.  The blind man makes his way to the pool and begins to wash off his face and when the mud comes off his eyes he can see.  But since he could not see Jesus and is now not near Jesus is not aware of who healed him.  Later, he and Jesus meet up, and Jesus asks him if he believe in Him?  The man, still not knowing he was talking to his healer, says, "Point Him out to me so that I may believe in Him."  

It occurred to me that, like the man born blind, we all have had some experience with the Savior.  The problem is, most of us don't recognize Him, don't sense Him, don't know Him.  We receive blessing from Him, but aren't aware who the blessing is coming from because the Bible says we are all spiritually blind.  We are ever seeing, but never perceiving.  We can see the blessing, the miracle, the help, but we just aren't able to see where it comes from - that every blessing comes from the hand of God.

I think that passage, John 9:36 speaks directly to our role here at Real Life.  We simply want to point Jesus out to those who haven't recognized Him yet, so that they might believe.  And we want to do this over and over again.  Because His blessings are wonderful, but your life doesn't really begin to change until you recognize the healer - and believe in Him.  

So here is how we say we're, "pointing Him out."  We're helping every person possible find real life through a relationship with Jesus Christ.  That's it.  We're not about a certain agenda or social activists, we want people to know Jesus.  When they do, the Holy Spirit will begin to convict and restructure their lives in obedience to Christ.  

And God is working and bringing those He chooses to hear the message of hope and real life in Jesus.  That's why we've decided to live up to one of our own ideals, to try anything and risk everything to win anyone to the One who can change everyone!   So beginning April 22nd Real Life will hold two morning worship services in an effort to be able to better accommodate the people that God is bringing and to see Him change even more lives!  

So join us this Sunday at either 9 or 11am and we'll worship the God who changes everything together!

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