Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Money, money, money...

I have to admit that I like money. Somebody once said, "money doesn't buy happiness... but it sure helps!" For people like me without a bunch of money we think having money would be the end of all of all our problems. I suppose the truth (that I try to convince myself of often) is that people with money have a whole other set of problems I can't begin to understand.

I like money because it helps me do two things.
First, money helps me keep God first in my life. If it's true that where your treasure is your heart is then money helps my family keep our hearts deposited with God. Now, I don't always look forward to writing out my tithe check with eager anticipation... I am only human after all, but I do like seeing how much we've given at the end of the year. I do sometimes think of what I could have done with that money - but that just gives me the opportunity to remind myself that it's not mine to begin with.
Second, the money I give to God goes to meet the needs, pay the bills and do other cool stuff at the church I attend. Because I give (back to God what was His to begin with) the church can help people in need. Send money to help plant another church in Koper, Slovenia. Keep the building warm in the winter and cool in the summer. Provide lesson material, technology, replace damaged ceiling tiles, get new chairs, etc.

So, even though I wrestle with the desire to have more money, I'm glad what I do have meets my needs and helps God grow His church. Hopefully I'll be able to do even more in 2010!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

One thing I've learned over the years ... when you give money a chuch, you never seem to miss it at all. God blesses you in other ways. It is really cool, actually.