Wednesday, August 25, 2010

In the Storm with Dad.

Here in Kansas we have these minor distractions to our day known as tornadoes. I've seen a few funnels form and driven through the aftermath of the storm. But I've never been in a tornado. We have, however, been sent to the storm cellar on more than one occasion. A couple times last season we were woken up in the middle of the night by the storm sirens. No time to think then or wonder if it's real or not, it's time to wake the kids up and hit the cellar. There have been a couple times when the younger kids would be really scared about what might happen and I've told them, "Daddy's not scared, so you don't need to be."

In Luke 8 Jesus' disciples are once again in a boat heading across the sea of Galilee. But this time they get caught in a storm. The waves are crashing over the boat, the wind is tossing the boat this way and that, up and down. The disciples have done everything they can to secure the boat... remember these were seasoned fishermen. Peter and Andrew, James and John, this was their business. No doubt they'd seen their share of storms on this sea. But tonight they are frightened. Tonight they decide this might be their last night.

And while they are all scared, Jesus is asleep in the stern (that's the back right?) on the seat the pilot would sit on. That's right. The seasoned fishermen are freaking out and Jesus is asleep. Sawing logs. The counting of sheep must have worked. He's out.

Have you ever been on a small boat in a storm? Have you ever tried to sleep on the water? It's not as easy as you think. Sea sickness doesn't go away just because you lay down and close your eyes (trust me on this!). And in a boat like they would have been on there was no where you could escape the water. So Jesus is asleep... in a storm... soaking wet.

Strange. Strange that Jesus can sleep through the storm and the bath. And strange that the disciples freak out. I have a couple of thoughts here. I think Jesus could sleep because He knew no matter what was happening around Him He was going to be okay. His time hadn't come. So He could be at peace to sleep so soundly that the water didn't bother Him because He knew He was in God's capable hands. And I wonder if the disciples were so concerned that they might die because at this point they still thought that just because Jesus was with them nothing bad could ever happen. When the storm came it surprised them! This shouldn't be happening! We're with Jesus!

Listen, God's got you in His hand. Find some peace in that. Relax IN the storm because whether God sees you through it or not you are still His. He's in control. And don't fool yourself into thinking no storm can come against you since you are with Jesus. It's not about avoiding the storms of this life, it's about growing through them. Coming to the point you realize, live or die, God's got this.

Once Jesus woke up, at the insistence of the disciples who were now certain of their death, He simply spoke and everything calmed down. The disciples were amazed that even the wind and waves obeyed Him, but hey, He's God in the flesh! When you're walking with Jesus, or boating with Him, you're gonna be okay - even in the midst of the storm. Look at Dad, if Dad ain't scared, you don't need to be either.

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