Sunday, August 29, 2010

More faith is More Obedience.

Luke 17 is about faith. Have you ever thought about the faith of the mustard seed? It seems to me (this morning anyway) that the issue is not the size of your faith but the extent of your obedience. Jesus answers the request of the disciples that He, "increase" their faith with the mustard seed story and immediately begins talking about a servant and his master. The servant does what the master wants. The servant waits on the master, not the master the servant. The master is in control. If the master says, "do this" you had better do it. It's the master's responsibility to give the direction, it's the servants role to follow it.

Then in verses 11-19 Luke tells the story of the 10 lepers who came to Jesus for healing. Jesus told them to, "'go show yourselves to the priests' and as they went they were cleansed." As they went... or, as they obeyed. Then one, noticing that he had been healed returned to thank Jesus (the master). Jesus told him, "your faith has healed you."

It was in the obedience that the healing took place. Had the 10 not headed straight for the priest they would not have received the healing because they would not have been obedient!

So, my prayer today is this; Father, help me to obey. No matter what. Help me to recognize that You are the Master and I am Your servant. Help me to do everything You say. Then my faith will be proved by my obedience and it will not be in myself - for what servant can bring about anything apart from his master - but a tiny speck of faith reflected in obedience will result in great reward. And I will simply be doing what I have been told. Obeying orders.

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