Thursday, November 4, 2010

Dealing with Sin.

This morning my wife left the house looking especially beautiful. She always looks good but today she just really stood out and I was thinking about how God had blessed me with a wife who was as attractive on the outside as she is on the inside. Later I called her on the phone and I told her that I thought she looked really good today and that she was, "like a virus, easy to catch but hard to get rid of." I know, cheesy. I'll accept that, I'm head over heels for her. So, go ahead and laugh, I'm use to it. When you're a romantic you just have to live with it.

But in my reading today I came across something that seemed to fit my little pick-up-line (can you really use a pick-up-line on your wife?!) in 1 Corinthians 5:6 Paul says that sin is like, "a little yeast that spreads through the whole batch of dough."

See, sin is that virus that is easy to catch but hard to get rid of... do you see it now?! That is why sin is so damaging, it takes over. It wants to control. To slither its way into every aspect of your life so until it has infected every corner. It wants to posses you. Control you. Destroy you.

When you get sick, the sniffles or sinus or aches and pains you know something is wrong and you go to the Dr. who gives you a Zpack or something and you take care of it. But often with sin we think, "I can handle it. I don't need help. I'll be able to overcome it with time.

In one of the new Batman movies (I really like Batman begins - hated number 2, the joker was just too evil for me) there is a line that goes something like this, "evil thrives on the tolerance of the good." I think that is true. When we don't deal with sin, don't call it what it is, don't point it out and condemn it, we aren't being kind... we're being stupid. That little sin will work its way through our lives, families and churches and destroy us from the inside out. We have to deal with it. That's what Paul was saying. Don't tolerate it, go after it, destroy it or it will destroy you.

Happy hunting to erradicate that sin! Maybe there should be a group in every church with brown jumpsuits and big bibles on their backs and we could call them the "sin busters"! Okay, that was dopey... who ya' gonna call?

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