Monday, November 8, 2010

the Every Person Possible principle

At Real Life here in El Dorado we have a vision... I know, nothing new, everybody has one these days. But I think ours comes with a principle that finds its heart directly in the Scriptures. It's not some fancy precisely worded thing that God gave me one a cruise (actually heard a preacher say that's where God to spoke to him... I've never been on a cruise, yet.) no this just comes, like Real Life itself, from livin' this stuff every day.

Here it is; at Real Life we want to help Every Person Possible find real life through a relationship with Jesus Christ.

Not too fancy. I'm sure you know every word in that sentence and that it makes sense the first time you read it. But there's more. Some might say that we are "over reaching" because we want to help, every person possible and that it just makes the focus too big or blurry or whatever. But I think it's exactly the heart of God.

The every person possible principle should be played out in our lives every day. Paul said in 1 Corinthians 10:19-27, that he willingly subjected himself to the customs of the people around him so that he might have the opportunity to tell them about Jesus. He said, "when I am with those who are weak, I share their weakness, for I want to bring the weak to Christ." Paul wanted to connect with everyone so that he might have a moment to tell them about Jesus. But he didn't connect with everyone. Acts is filled with people who turned their back on Paul. Who didn't like him because of what he said or how he said it. He didn't reach everyone, but he did reach many and got to watch Jesus change their lives.

Paul said that he wanted to find, "common ground" with everyone and that he desired to do "everything" to spread the Good News. That's what we're about at Real Life. We know that not everyone is going to connect with what we're doing, how we're doing it or with me, or the band or the children's teacher... But we do what we do to connect with every person possible. For some, it just won't be possible for us to find any common ground. Differences is worship styles, music, dress, my preaching/teaching style, the building, etc. these are all things that might make it difficult for us to connect with some people, but we don't have to reach everyone, just every person possible.

We simply want to do what is best for others so that, like Paul says (in 10:33) "many may be saved." That's every person possible! We're on a mission. We're not going to reach everybody but we want to reach everybody we can. For the cause of Jesus Christ and the glory of God the Father in the power of the Holy Spirit.

Maybe one of those from the Every Person Possible group might be you... let us know if it!

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