Wednesday, January 15, 2014

What Would You Do If God Were Your Shield?

In Genesis 14 Abraham takes out after the kings that had captured his nephew Lot.  Once he conquered them and took back his nephew, the people of the cities and the plunder he refused payment from the King of Sodom.  He said he didn't want anyone but God to get the glory for "making" Abraham rich.

Chapter 15 starts out with God speaking to Abraham in a vision.
"Do not fear, Abram (Abraham),
I am a shield to you;
Your reward shall be very great."

This got me thinking... What would I do if God were my shield?  What does it even mean to have God as a shield?

A shield is used for protection.  Abraham was certainly protected by God.  He was protected when he left his home to go to the land God would show him - but which he did not know of before he arrived there.  God protected him when he kinda/sorta/mostly lied to Pharaoh and then Abimelech saying that his wife, Sarai (Sarah) was his sister leading them to believe that she was NOT his wife.  It may be true that she was somehow related to him but it was misleading at best.  God was Abraham's shield when he went after Lot's captors in chapter 14 and over and over throughout Abraham's life.

God was Abraham's shield when he fought for righteousness and when he fought for personal reasons.  When He was walking in the footsteps of God and when he was out of step and off track.

God wasn't with Abraham because he was perfect, but because he was faithful.  Abraham, believed God.  Even when there was nothing for Abraham to trust in except God's Word.  Abraham did not ask for a sign, like Gideon.  He did not get angry at God like Elijah and he did not question God like Moses.  It wasn't his perfection at following God, it was his persistence.

What if God were my shield?  I would step out a LOT more in accomplishing the impossible for the kingdom and for my own church.  I would take risks.  I would be taking ground from the enemy and walk boldly before the world... if God were MY shield.

If God were my shield I would not fear.   I would not fear making a mistake with His people or His finances.  I would not fear the enemy.

If God were my shield I would lead with boldness and step out of the boat... If God were MY shield.

I think I've got some work to do... Because as God was with Abraham so He is with us.  And not just with us but in us and works through us by His Holy Spirit.  He is not JUST my shield he is my sword, my helmet, my sandals and my breastplate!  Who can stand against us?!

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