Saturday, June 24, 2017

God has a Plan for Every Single Person

When you were just a tiny speck of cells God knew you and had a plan for you.

That may seem hard to believe but when you look at the enormous number of things that could go wrong in pregnancy and birth you are a miracle.  And being a miracle means that there is more to you than one might suspect.

David wrote, "Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be" (Psalm 139:16 NIV).

That's a difficult concept to grasp, that before you existed God knew the moment you would take your first breath.  He knew every time you were gonna skin your knee or get stung by a bee.  He knew when and where and with whom you'd have your first kiss and the moment your heart would break for the first time.  Before you came to be He saw your first touchdown and the first time you were turned down - for a date or a job.  He saw your marriage, your mistakes,  knew your moods and even had a handle on your mortality.  

And out of every possible problem and regardless of who your parents are, YOU made it.  Just like He knew you would.  Your days were written in His book before one of them came to be.  You may have gotten your DNA from your parents but your purpose comes from your (Heavenly) Father.

God knew you would be right where you are today.  He's tried to get your attention through the years.  Tried to guide you in the right direction.  Tried to steer you away from the bad and toward the better.   You've done what you wanted and He's patiently waited.  But you were born for something more.  Out of all the people and problems YOU came to be - that's significant.  You're still here on the planet which means there's a purpose for it.

I can't tell you what that purpose is except to say that God knew you would be reading this right now. It was written in His book of your life before you ever came to be.  He knew where you would work where you would live and who you would hang out with.  The choices you made along the way may not have been the ones He wanted you to make but He knew you would make them.  He didn't force you to do what He wanted, but He wants you to do what is best.  If you choose not to follow His plan He's okay with that - you are your own person.  Just know that you lose the right to blame Him if you refuse to listen to Him.

Have you discovered your purpose or God's plan for your life?  Are you still trying to figure it out?  Comment below to share your story.

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