Thursday, June 22, 2017

No Matter How Your Life Started it Wasn't a Surprise

When you were a kid the details of your conception were kept secret.  Parents don't talk about things like that with their young kids.   But there comes a point when that secret isn't so secret anymore.  Let me give you a scenario.

You're in High School.  You've spent all afternoon getting ready for your first real date and just before he rings the doorbell,  as you stand in the living room, your father and mother looking at you proudly, your dad blurts out, "It's hard to believe that we are sending you out on your first date in the very room you were conceived 17 years ago."  At which point mom smacks him and fully embarrassed
ushers you out of the house.

Maybe it wasn't the living room couch.  Perhaps you were conceived in the back seat of a car, or the kitchen or maybe it wasn't like that at all for you.  The reality of our culture is that life is often conceived in lust, not love.  The act of child making might have been exciting to your parents but the making of a child was not.  Your life may not have started in the bedroom or living room but in an ally or at a frat party.  You may not have been conceived in love or lust but in selfishness, anger and hate.

King David wrote in Psalm 139:15, "My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth."

No matter how your life started God didn't have to scramble to find a place for you in His creation.  He knew exactly when and where and how your precious life was going to begin... no matter how your life was conceived He was not surprised.   He saw you when you were made in secret.

And if you were conceived from any situation other than love - I'm sorry.  You were supposed to be conceived in a loving relationship between a husband and a wife who were committed to each other for life.  That was God's plan.  God gave sex to humanity as a gift but too many have turned it into a game.

You however were not hidden from God.  The fact that you made it means He protected your life; He has a plan for you no matter how you were conceived.   I'll share more about that on Saturday, but for now, I want you to know that no matter how your life started it wasn't a surprise to God.  He knew you would be born into this world and He had a place for you in His plan all along.  You may not have been conceived in the way He desired, but He absolutely desired you.  (To read about how God knit you together upon conception regardless of how that conception happened read my last post, You Were Put Together with Precision, here.)

What do you think would happen if God kept children from being born into the world outside of the way He planned marriage and family to work?  Would that make things better or worse?  Are we suffering the consequences of our actions (or the actions of a selfish, hateful, evil individual in the case of rape) or should God intervene?  I'd love to hear your thoughts.

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