Tuesday, June 27, 2017

How I'm Conquering the Morning and You Can Too

Every person faces the same challenge every single morning.  Do I get out from under these covers or do I stay here for just a few more minutes?

I have never been a morning person by choice.  I've had to get up early at different times for work or to go hunting but getting up before 6am when you don't have to... ridiculous.  Until recently.  A few months ago I felt like I was getting into a rut and needed a change.  So, I set the alarm for 5:30am.  Now, I'd love to tell you that the change was immediate and made all the difference in my life but it wasn't and didn't.  At least not right away.  But this is not about the benefits of getting up early it's about the struggle.

Whether you are wanting to get up early, start an exercise routine, be a more consistent parent or better partner to your spouse or a more productive individual it all comes down to this one critical piece.

What's NEXT must be more important than what's NOW?  

This is true for everyone who wants to accomplish something more with their life.   Whether it's getting up early in order to exercise and spend time with God.  Or just to be more productive with the time you have.  What's next may be more difficult.  It may require more of you.  Or it may just be something you've never done before, like me getting up early.  But in order for you to get over the initial push-back and develop the habits necessary to accomplish what's next you have to be fed up with the "now."

Consider Jesus.  What was next for Him was pretty miserable: torture and death.  What He had was pretty good: committed friends, some celebrity, power to do whatever He wanted.  Jesus' "now" seemed pretty good.  But He gave it up because what was next for Him was so much more important to His mission and purpose (I'll talk more about that in Thursday's post).

If you've got a decision to make about your future it won't happen until what's next becomes more important to you than what is now.  Or say it another way, until your future potential is of greater value than your current position you won't change.  That new job must hold greater potential for advancement, pay, benefits or schedule or you'll stay in your current position.

For followers of Jesus this carries some extra weight.  Most of us want to settle into what is now, especially spiritually, but God is constantly calling us to what's next.  What's next for you might mean getting involved on a service team at church.  Maybe it's stepping into a church leadership or group leader role.  God might be calling you into short-term or full-time mission work.  Or a greater depth of study and understanding.  Whatever is next for you understand that in Jesus there is ALWAYS a next and it's always more important than what's now.

What do you think God has next for you?  How can you begin setting yourself up for success right now so you can be ready to jump into what's next without hesitation?  I'd love to hear how you are accomplishing what's next for you.  Comment below!

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