Thursday, July 31, 2008

Mark 10 / Aug 1 - just being rich doesn't cut it

Do you ever get to feeling like people who have money must have it all? Like somehow they are special or have some divine connection? Well, that is exactly how the disciples felt. In fact, in those days if you had $ it meant that God was really happy with you. So, it was thought that the rich were better people... now, imagine you believe that and Jesus says to you, "it is difficult for the rich to enter the Kingdom of Heaven." WHAT!? What chance do I have if the rich have a hard time!

Jesus goes on to say that it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter heaven. Now, perhaps like me you are sitting in front of your computer with a sewing needle in one hand and a camel in the other... okay, just so there is not confusion I'm talking about a real camel, not "Joe Camel." How can a camel go through a needle? Not possible, unless the camel is a real camel, and the eye of a needle is the small door that existed in the large doors that would be locked at dark in the city wall to keep out invaders. Ah Ha! you say.

The eye of the needle was in fact a small door that would require those who were coming into the safety of the city to get off their camels and have their camels get on their knees and literally crawl through the small door. It was difficult, but not impossible. But in the mind of the disciples, if it was difficult for the rich to enter heaven it would be impossible for them, poor, unschooled men to enter heaven. I think at this point Jesus is seen just shaking His head going, "well, what is impossible with men is possible with God."

Look, it doesn't matter how much money you have, if you don't have Jesus, you've got nothing that is going to help you when it counts.

So why is it hard for the rich to enter heaven? Because with money can come the thought that you can have or get whatever you want. There's no need for God because you don't have to have faith that you will have the money to pay the rent. You don't need to pray the car will start cause your new Benz runs just fine. It's not impossible, it's just more difficult.

Today we might say, it's easier to vacuum the floor so well that even the Kirby man with his "special" vacuum wont find any dirt, than for a rich man to enter heaven.

Get to vacuuming!

Okay, Serious for a second. I have a lead pastor friend who is going through some really difficult times and had a big meeting last night with the supporting church eldership. I'm not sure what the outcome of this last week will be but I'm sure he and his family would covet your prayers. As a pastor I understand what a huge part of yourself goes into each sermon, each program, each idea. And when you plant a church it's a part of you that goes into it. Now he may be struggling with what the future holds and whether it will be best for the Kingdom for him to step away from what he has worked so hard to bring into reality. Now, he and I both know that unless God wants it to grow, to survive and thrive it will never happen, but that doesn't mean that you don't put your own blood, sweat and tears into it. So, please say a prayer for my friend and his family and Christ's church that he leads. thanks.


Jack said...

Absolutely Corey . He and his family will be in my prayers . God knows the circumstances and once again is already setting up the outcome. We just need to count on Him . He is going to take us where He wants if we are listening and have an open heart to it. Lord, I pray for this pastor and his family and that God brings them through all this without alot of struggles. This can be hard times and I don't want to see anybody break the spirit of this man. Watch over this situation and do as You see fit Lord ,but we pray You are the Head of it and bring them all together in tough times. In Jesus name , Amen.

Corey said...

Thanks Jack. And by the way, glad to see you figured out how log in! Congrats!