Friday, August 1, 2008

Mark 11 / Aug 2 - What's the big deal?

In the end of this chapter Jesus asks a question of the religious leaders who were trying to trap him.

It was a question about baptism. Now, John came with a message of repentance because "the kingdom of heaven is near." Part of John's message was the act of immersion as a "sign" of their repentance and desire to be prepared for Jesus (though they didn't completely understand that the Messiah was coming so quickly). John baptized many people, and many more people beleived that John was a prophet, some even thought he might be the Messiah.

So Jesus asks the stuffed shirts where the baptism of John came from. Was it from God, in which case they would be dissobeying. Or was it from man, in which case they people would have been stupid for believing his message.

The guys say they don't know, so Jesus says he won't tell them where His power comes from.

What I want to know is, why would Jesus ask this question in the first place? Jesus power came from God which is the connection with John's baptism. If the religious leaders couldn't tell where John's baptism came from they would not be willing to accept that Jesus' was God's Son.

So, does this mean that baptism is from God? or just some silly thing that we "men" made up?

1 comment:

Andrea said...

I thought that Jesus baptised John first and then told him to go out and baptise others in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, it is a command from God, not just something man made up.