Sunday, May 24, 2009

Great Morning with the Svandas...

What a great time sharing with Lee and Tina Svanda this am. If you missed it they are preparing for a short-cycle mission to Koper, Slovenia where they will be planting a church, together with 7 other adults and 4 kids.
Lee and Tina shared their heart for this mission work as well as their plans for this incredible undertaking - planting a native church within 5 years!
Their journey to the mission field and how God is working in their lives is very similar to what is going on the lives of many here at Real Life as we open ourselves up to what God wants for us. This is especially true for Tina who shared that she has only been a Christian for 10 years (a little less than that I think) and how God moved her to a place where she caught Lee's vision for missions and finally joined him in completely surrendering to God and His Will.

Their testimony today tied in so well with the message as we talked about making God a priority in our lives. So often we get so sidetracked with life and bills and jobs and kids that we often give God the leftovers of our life and not the best... though we expect His best for us (a bit of a double standard I think - and am guilty of).

So we talked about ways to make God a bigger priority in our lives, reading our bible, trusting Him for our financial needs, praying a bit more focused.

As a set in the right direction there we as a church made a commitment to Lee and Tina to support them with 10% of the giving for the rest of the year. This is a way for us to press in and truly rely on God for the resources to run Real Life as well as support a mission that so closely resembles our heart for El Dorado.

So join me in prayer and priority as we focus on God and His Son Jesus Christ and look to Him for what we need even as we seek to give Him the best of who and what we are!

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