Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The end is always the same...

For my lovely wife - Esther 7 and 8

Reading quickly today since I got up late. Even in the quick read this am and the need for a quick post I find comfort in the fact that the end is always the same. Well, every instance may not be exact but the end, that remains.

It's like this, every battle in a war is not always won, but the individual battle does not constitute the war in the end, the last nation, group, government or person standing... that's the winner.

In Esther's story it appeared as though Haman was going to get his way and see the destruction of the Jews. But in the end, Mordecai is given Haman's position, his crown, his robes, his ring and his estate.

The same is true for you and I as believers in Jesus Christ. It may appear that things aren't going your way. You may feel like you are being crushed. Sought after for destruction. Everything in your life may be going down the tubes. But what you have to remember is that the end is always the same. In the end, good defeats evil. In the end, right triumphs over wrong. In the end death holds no power.

How can this be? I'll tell you. News just hasn't gotten out yet. You see, the war is over. There are still places where the enemy still thinks he can win and he's fighting with all his might but it's futile. The war has been won. The news hasn't gotten to everyone yet. The battles are still raging but the war has been won by One.

When Jesus rose from the grave that was the beginning of the end. The prophecy was true, "he will strike your heel but you will bruise his head (mortal wound)." The empty cross, the empty tombs they are just reminders for us that the end is always the same.

Jesus won the battle, he dealt the death blow, the war has been won. Satan is just the last guy on the field who can't believe he's lost and is yelling, "get back here!" "I'm not finished with you yet!" But his cries fall on deaf ears. The war is over. The battles won. The victor is secure. His children are safe and the fear of death is gone.

Glory and Honor, Power and Praise be to God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ. The war is over and He won.

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