Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Whoa, He's smart.

When I was a kid in school I remember learning about how some people, way back in the dark ages when people just crawled up out of the goop (sarcasm), thought the earth was flat or that it was connected or held up or whatever their crazy ideas were. Science has certainly evolved over the years, hasn't it. Now we can take objects way out in space and triangulate their position based on other objects. We can send a space ship up and a video camera can feed us live images from Mars. But of all the things science has "discovered" what has it taught us? Okay, gravity... I'll give you that but that was pretty basic, right? Science has given a lot of things that already existed a name. But what has it really explained?

Here's what I mean. We have a name for gravity and we know it works and there are some theories about how it works but where does it come from? How come the other planets don't have gravity like ours? How is it that there is exactly enough gravity to keep us here, but not enough to squash us? We know that stars (and our sun - a star) are flaming balls of gas, but how come our planet isn't? Why are some gas and some not? Science has shown us what is already there but not explained it very well or "taught" us anything new.

Like, I thought the closer to the beginning of humanity the dumber people were. Right, cave drawings and clubbing some girl and dragging her back to your cave for a wife. That kind of stuff. But I'm reading in the book of Job (one of the oldest books in the Bible as I recall) and Job says something pretty amazing. In verse 7 of chapter 26 he says, "[God] suspends the earth over nothing." Wow! And Job didn't know any super scientists! He didn't have Newton or one of Hawking to tell him that! So, science how does that work exactly? Teach me something I don't know... tell me how our planet and others can simply float in empty space?! Oh, yeah, I remember, you already did. You see a long, long time ago... everything in the universe (we don't know where that came from) collapsed into something the size of a pin head (huge gravitational pull) and then exploded! BANG! and all the little particles that were in that pin head shot out like a rocket and then all suddenly stopped in mid flight, started spinning on an axis and rotating around another gob of goo that instantaneously caught on fire and lite everything. Oh, and gravity happened sometime around there too. (so that was incredible, a cosmic gravitational pull overcome by a cosmic explosion that was big enough to break the gravity - man that's awesome - sarcasm).

Here's how Job ends chapter 28, maybe we should take a lesson... "The fear of the Lord—that is wisdom,and to shun evil is understanding."

Thank you Lord that there are still unteachable things out there we can't explain... well, You know what I mean, wink.

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