Thursday, September 24, 2009

Shut up.

Well, I'm convicted once more this morning about the same thing. As a preacher it is my job to talk. As a Father I have to talk and instruct. As a Husband I have to talk and share. So, I talk a lot. It's no big deal, talking is like breathing to me - I'm not scared of it. One person or a big crowd it's all the same to me. But when I come before God I have the same problem. I talk.

Maybe you don't think its a big deal, I know that we are supposed to talk to God. But I wonder if I approach him more like I might the guy in the back of the church in that telephone booth looking thing then as the God of the universe.

I tend to just go on and on about this and that and it seems that if I stop talking... I get completely sidetracked and start thinking about other things. So I talk to keep my self focused I guess.

Anyway, look what I read this morning in Ecclesiastes 5.
2 Do not be quick with your mouth,do not be hasty in your heart to utter anything before God. God is in heaven and you are on earth,so let your words be few.

Whoa. So, I pretty much do the opposite of that. Quick mouth. Hasty heart. Blurt out lots of stuff.

Perhaps I need some more quiet times of awe before God. I'll try and work on that.

Have a great Thursday!

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