Thursday, September 3, 2009

The Way of the Wicked Seems Good.

Job 21,22

You can see, if you read these posts, that we've jumped from Esther 9 to Job 21. That's because like so many things I do, I'm behind in my Bible reading and posting. So, I've tried to catch up so you may see these posts jump around a bit. Sorry.

So far into Job and he seems to be in the same place many of us are in today. We look around and see people we deem as wicked - or not having a relationship with Jesus - and it appears that they are doing very well for themselves. They have money. They have possessions. They live a life of pleasure and enjoy the finer things in life.

And then there's us believers. Struggling financially. Involved in a bit of covetousness where those fancy toys are concerned. Paycheck to paycheck we live. And we sometimes wonder... "why are the wicked blessed and the righteous cursed?" Isn't that the backwards way? Shouldn't it be the other way around? Why aren't all Christians happy, healthy and wealthy? What's going on here?! STOP THE INSANITY!

But think about it for a moment. Is it reality? Let's look at a couple things.
1. RAS. Reticular Activating System. It's a pretty big part of your brain and it is like a big net. It catches all the things that are important to you and filters out all the stuff that's not. For instance. Whey you buy a new car that's exciting! And as you're driving home you see 50 of the same make/model that you just bought. Why? because the car is now important to you so your RAS "sees" more of them.
2. Satan's plan. If every "believer" was healthy and wealthy and every non-believer was not would there be any non-believers anymore? I mean if all you had to do what confess Christ and you got healthy (like God wants you to be) and wealthy (like all Christians should be) and happy (cause that's totally dependant on you being healthy and wealthy) wouldn't EVERYONE be a christian? Of course! So Satan's plan is to make it "look" like non-believers have it all so that we Christians, just like Job, will ask the question... "why should I follow Christ and be in need, when I can do what I want and be wealthy and healthy and happy?"

God wants you to trust Him no matter what... no matter how much money you have.
God wants you to see Him as your provider... not your primary care provider.
God want you to learn happiness no matter the situation... the situation doesn't determine happiness.

So Job, Corey, YOU, don't get caught up. This is not a race or a test or a wicked vs. righteous debate this life is a YOU and GOD marathon. We have to stop worrying about what the neighbors down the street have and whether or not they go to church. We have to stop thinking that all God wants to do is make us happy and healthy and wealthy. We must start running the race marked out for us with confidence so that whether in little or much we know what it means to trust God. To live a life of faith in spite of my temporary surroundings.

May my life, whether in plenty or in need point to God my Father who supplies ALL my needs through His Son, Jesus Christ.

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