Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Let me break it down for you...

Here it is, short and sweet, directly from Paul.

  1. Let sin control the WAY you live. Your actions, functions, means of life.
  2. Give it to sinful DESIRES. Greed is a sinful desire, hate, lust, disobedience, selfishness, all.
  3. Let any part of your body be an INSTRUMENT OF EVIL to serve sin. For instance, your eyes could be a tool to serve the sin of lust, your ears could be a tool to serve the sin of gossip.

INSTEAD (meant to be a replacement for the above):

  1. Give yourself COMPLETELY to God. That means everything, what you do, say, think, see...
  2. Use your WHOLE body as an instrument to do what is right for God's glory. Let your hands be the tool God uses to care for someone else. Your voice can be a tool to share God's love with others. Your feet can be the tool God uses to take the hope of Jesus to others. Your ears can be tools used to listen to someone who is hurting.

See, when you give your life to Jesus, sin is no longer master in your life. Now, you live and move and exist under the freedom of God's grace. Life isn't about do's and don'ts any longer, it's about get to's and want to's! I get to experience Real Life in Christ, I want to please my Savior because of what He's done for me!

Get it?! See Romans 6