Friday, October 22, 2010

When you know.

Okay, we've been talking about circumstances a lot lately and following Paul through the tail end of Acts and this latest shipwreck, which we find in 28, lands them on the island of Malta. Here's the deal. Have you noticed how cool and collected Paul has been through all this? Luke too for that matter, since he was along for this whole ride! Anyway, Paul just seems to call it then go through it. No big deal.

In fact, once Paul and all the other people, ship's crew, officers and prisoners, etc., get to land (even Paul had to swim for it, no walking on the water here!) they are cold and wet because there is still this storm raging. Paul, either forced or out of servanthood, begins to collect wood for a fire that the locals had made. Nice guy.

But if the shipwreck was enough to make you question whether God really cared about Paul this next item will blow your mind! While Paul was gathering fire wood a viper springs from warming wood and attaches itself to Paul's hand pumping it's venom into his bloodstream. Paul simply, "shakes it off" and continues about his business. No freak out. No screaming. No prayer. No worry. Of course the locals think he must have done something really bad, murder to be exact, since he survived the water and now a snake has sealed his fate.

They waited for his hand to swell... which would indicate the next step, sudden and complete death. And he deserved it! Rotten murderer. But as they watched him continue to gather sticks, sit and talk, whatever, they noticed that his hand didn't swell and he didn't die! Incredible! There were the two marks from the fangs. But nothing happened. They go from believing he is a murderer to assuming he must be a god! Logical leap, right?! Circumstances completely changed their opinion!

But that's not the cool thing here. I think it's amazing that Paul never questions. Never waivers. Never even seems to care about the shipwreck... or the snake bite! Me, I'd be going crazy on God! I can't believe you made me go through that! I thought you loved me and appreciated all the people I continually tell about Jesus! And now a SNAKE?! Come on! Give me a few moments of peace!

Paul is so convinced that he is on the exact path God has for him that nothing can deter him from preaching in Rome. Paul is single minded. His circumstances don't convince him God has left him anymore than they convince him He's with him, they just are. So, shipwreck, no problem, Paul gets to preach to a whole new group of people. Snake bite? No sweat! Paul gets the opportunity to heal and preach.

God, give me a single minded focus on what you've called me TO, so that it doesn't matter what I'm going through. Good or bad, let me preach, teach and baptize for Your glory.

1 comment:

elandreth said...

That is my problem--too many distractions to focus on anything fully.