Friday, October 29, 2010

Sharing Your Faith: It's your responsibility.

Here's a quick lesson Paul gives in Romans 10 for the necessity of sharing your faith. You don't have to get crazy knocking on doors but you do have a responsibility to step the through the doors God opens.

First of all here is the honest truth about the issue of personal faith. No one can be saved if they do not believe. (See John 3:16 and Acts 4:12)

It's impossible to believe in someone you don't even know exists.

No one will know of someones existence unless others who do know, tell them.

No one will tell them if they are not sent to tell them.

That's why we need to, "set apart Christ as Lord (in our own lives, and) Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have" (1 Peter 3:15). And realize that we have all been "sent" to tell others what we know, "Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation (Mark 16:15; Matthew 28:19-20).

When you know about Jesus and have experienced life change because of Him you have an obligation to tell others. If you are silent others will not know that Jesus can change their lives too. If they don't know He can, they will not believe that He will. If they don't believe that He will then they can't be saved.

See you and I are the pins that hold this thing together, if we don't do our job and tell others what is going on in our own lives then the hope that they might be saved is lost. If you and I simply keep our mouths shut people will be lost to hell.

I'm not saying you wear a sandwich sign at Wal Mart telling people to "repent or burn," I'm simply stating that if you and I don't take advantage of the opportunities that God presents to us we may be condemning that person to a lifetime and eternity a part from God. Jesus Christ is the way the truth and life, no one comes to God except through Him, but they have to know who He is and what He can do before they will come to experience the Real Life available in/through Him. We've got work to do.

1 comment:

elandreth said...

We sure do a lousy job of passing the message on don't we? Look around at our world that is so crazy and messed up.