Thursday, October 21, 2010

Who do YOU listen to?

It is human nature to seek advise... from people who we think will agree with us. From the time time began we have asked around until we found someone who supported what we desired anyway. Of course, then we've got someone to blame when things don't work out the way we planned, since, we can't blame ourselves. But seriously, where do you seek advise? Who do you listen to?

This becomes a little tricky when you throw God in the mix. Paul had this problem. He is now on his way to Rome to stand trial before Caesar himself but on the way (late in the fall - storm time) Paul goes to the official in charge of he and other prisoners and tell him shipwreck, loss of cargo and danger to lives awaits them if they continue. The official then goes to the captain of the ship and the owner and asks them what they think, are we in danger of a storm if we continue? The captain and owner think it's a good idea to continue, so they do.

You guessed it. Hurricane time. for 14 days the ship was battered by the storm. The crew did all the right things. They lightened the load by throwing over cargo. They bound the hull with ropes to keep her together. They thew over non-essential gear from the ship. They prayed to their gods. They dropped anchor at one point, at other times they lowered the sails and let the storm drive them. They did everything they were supposed to. But they couldn't stop the storm they could just try to survive through it. 14 days they didn't see the sun or stars. That means they were lost. With nothing to navigate by they were sailing blind. They were lost. They were in danger. They were without hope.

I'll bet the official wished he would have listened to Paul! Though, I have to give him credit, he did learn from his mistake. When the crew was trying to escape using the lifeboat Paul said they would all die if any got off the ship so the official cut the lines and let the lifeboat go. Eventually the ship ran aground and was beaten to pieces by the waves. Oh, by the way, everyone made it to shore but the ship was lost.

When we try to listen to those that support out own thoughts/feelings (like the captain and owner) even when they may be more knowledgeable we often get into trouble. Paul didn't know much about sailing (though he had been shipwrecked at least 2 other times) but he did know God. And God knows. So what does God have to say about your situation? He will never, NEVER, lead you in a direction that is not supported in His Word, the Bible. So always seek out Godly council.

This may sound a bit harsh but, seek marriage advise from couples who make it work, have made it work. Job advise from the guy who's had his for 30 years. Parenting advise from those whose kids are not infants and all have their heads screwed on correctly. I could say it this way. Don't get advise about how to avoid drinking from an alcoholic, talk to the guy whose never had a drop. And most importantly, seek God.